I just remember those "happy days" where I am still brave to do spot trading with BCH/USDT pairs. Like even with it's volatility, that's not enough to stop me.

Trading 1 BCH is enough, sometimes I do more and when it's price dump, I will make an entry and will set a price which will give me an awesome profit. I'll be the happiest when the price really jump up and when its dump again and still had my entry. Those are really a joyous moments for me.

I can't do it now because I don't have much BCH with me. I'm also afraid to risk it coz you know, look how BCH price change in a blink of an eye. Like it dumps really hard the other day but now it's back to $690+, even reach $700+ which is really wonderful. BCH is performing so well until now, I'm excited ╮(^▽^)╭.

This should be a wonderful moment too, to those who'strading. All i can say is sana all to them (人 •͈ᴗ•͈).

Please pump more BCH ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

$ 0.40
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@Ruffa posted 3 weeks ago


Atleast ndi ka pa din zero BCH madam

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago

Bch go to the moon soon..

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago

Wow dumdami n ulit ang active d2

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago

Haha totally agree madam. As for me, I have zeroed out my BCH but I am clapping for those who has ✅💚

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago