Gaining the Interest and Attention of Others

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2 years ago

Many people are struggling to win the attention of others and build a genuine friendship. We find it hard to gain the interest of others, to make friends with others or even have a dialogue with someone. There are things we need to learn, adjust and change about our personalities and appearance.

Our impression matters a lot if we want to gain the interest and attention of others. A warm and Genuine smile will do. You can not start a conversation with someone you are meeting for the first time with a frown face. "Who the hell does that? The expression on your face really matters. We cannot fool anybody because our "action speaks louder than words" and as they always say "first impression last forever"

It cost us nothing to just put on a smile on our faces, but it creates many wonderful things. The memories are fresh and it last forever.

The first impression people know you for will always be remembered. It defines who we are, and people will always take us for that kind of person. That's why we need to be mindful of our behavior when dealing with strangers because the way we present ourselves to them for the first time will be what they will remember us for.

Imagine meeting a stranger for the first time and giving such person a frown face and replying with a harsh tone. It doesn't matter if we are not that kind of person, or we are passing through a difficult situation at that particular moment. What that stranger will remember about us is that we are rude and cruel. Our genuine smile tells a lot about us and it creates a pleasing atmosphere among others.

Publilius Syrus says "we are interested in others when they are interested in us"

We can simply get the attention of others when we are genuinely interested in them. We should show interest in them and their works. We should offer to do things that requires time without being selfish.

We should try and be an attentive listener, being a talkative and talking incessantly about ourselves alone is wrong and does make us gain the interest of others. Listening to others and what they have to say will be better. Many are not interested in what others have to say, we only rant about ourselves which might be boring to the other party. Be an attentive listener, do not bust into others conversation. Ask questions that are interested and encourage them in whatever they are saying or what they are planning to do. Listening means we are interested in them.

Thank you for reading. ♥️♥️♥️

Lead Image Source: Unsplash.

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2 years ago


Definitely Right! Make the best first impression as possible

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know a lot of people I met for the first time and gave me that rough attitude, till today I still look at them like that even though they appear calm and gentle. That's how human system works, first impression goes a long way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. It speaks more than our actual nature and behavior.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree my friend. Looking at them with our smile is giving an impact to them. We don't need to talk them especially when it's your meeting at the first time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed, first impression matters a lot. You can't erase it from your mind. I still remember some people I met in my first day in tertiary institution.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It matters a lot including the kind of impression they give the first time you meet them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago