Is there any way to get rid from depression and anxiety?

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Avatar for Rosegold
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Depression

100 people come to a doctor about their anxiety cases. all the people were very upset and they thought very bad things about their life. For example, some people said that I wish I have cancer or some like this dangerous disease, because they did not like their life they wanted to die but they did not wanted to suicide. They wanted a respectfully death, because of these things Dr. David got trouble he gave those people pills or medicine according to his knowledge but this anti depression pills work for few people not for all it means people got short term benefits by these medicines. But their depression could not go for permanently, so doctor think that there is must have an another way to get rid from these problems. Doctor want that when people wake up at the morning they think that, 'wow! what a wonderful day' instead of they get depressed and people should be happy that they are alive. Doctor was researching about this type of solution, at that time his friend suggested him for cognetive therapy which is made from 3 basic rules.

1) Thought create mood

Suppose, you and your friend go anywhere in the same way, and meanwhile, a stone touches with your friend's leg and it hurts your friend, your friend become angry for this and he abuses, that who the hell kept this stupid stone in the middle and then he goes ahead with angerness after sometime you too face this situation and you don't get angry, you give a smile and say that "thank god, I don't fell down" and then you remove that stone from the road so that other people can't face this situation. In this example, event is same for both of you but reaction is opposite. So rule number 1, says that event never decides your mood but what you think about that event decides your emotions and your mood. Event is not important but your thought is most important.

2) Identify the distortion

When thoughts are negative or distortion then they become the cause of depression and anxiety. So it is very important to identify those negative thoughts.

There are few tips to identify negative thoughts -

* All or nothing - every people has to face one time in his life when he has nothing and when he think to start up, he became fail and thus, he never get stand up again, at this condition he thinks either I can get everything or I can lose everything but everyone should understand that every first performance of any people is not good but it can be improve. So, never think for perfection, improve your skills time to time.

* Mental filtering - most of the people always extract negative things from others performance, they never see the positivity. They always focused on negativity, it can become a big problem for those people because they can be addicted for negativity.

* Mind reading - many people assume that what other people think about theirs and they believe on their assumes which is wrong without talking with anyone no one can come to know that what other people think about theirs.

3) Train people the way they think -

After getting know the negative thought you have to change those thoughts because when thoughts change then the feelings change too and when feelings change then person can get rid from the depression automatically.

people should always focus on all achievements of their life to remove depression, when people do that then they can focus on their ability and this ability helps to change the mode of people it was people be happy and does he get rid from depression.

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Avatar for Rosegold
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Depression
