Spending Quality Time With Your Pet Is Necessary

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Avatar for Roojoroojay
1 year ago

March 21, 2023

Keeping pet in the home is easy, but management of time for the proper care of them and spending quality time with them is not easy.

It's the human 's nature when something come to his approach newly he stayed so caring about it. But with the passage of time he lost his interest in it and neglected it because of the busy schedule.

Are you giving the proper time to your pets or sometimes neglected them .....?

If i talked about myself in past few weeks am totally free in home especially from the study burden. That's why my all time spent around my parrot & me with my little cousin scroll here and there in the home with the parrot's cage.

In other words we never feel boredom to our hen parrot without her partner.

I take care of her everything and provide beans and water at time to her.

Even we provided the playing materials to our parrot like balloon.

As hen parrot's partner left her because of me that's why from drinking tea to eating noodles i stayed with her and shared my eating stuff with her that's much quality time I spent with my hen parrot❤️🙉.

But yesterday mam called us to the university for the discussion of lab work and my whole day spent in traveling and walking+ listening the lecture.

In result of it, i tired a lot and from the evening am just doing one job sleeping and sleeping and didn't see my parrot from the yesterday 💔. Yesterday evening i want to spent sometime with my parrot but my eyes only wanted the sleep. So i put my parrot's cage in the safe place and gone to sleep.

Mam ordered us to complete lab work before Ramadan and my coming next week will have the same routine as yesterday. So i need to manage time for my parrot otherwise it will die because of loneliness.

Thanks For Reading....!

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All images are original and clicked by me.

$ 0.17
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @BlueFlipper
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Avatar for Roojoroojay
1 year ago


Having a pet is a responsibility. We need to make sure we can spend time with them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like Kiddos especially when I am alone and their naughty activities give me smile. Rooj, you have beautiful parrot, can you share its baby with me 😂?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

They don't have baby yet, if they will be in future then i will must sent you😹

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I've a cat and i tried to spent my time with her too. You should eat some extra food too so that you can manage at university during fast.

Your parrot is really cute especially when it's giving you some good pose for picture 🙈

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So when you introduced us with your cat...?🐈. I also want to see the cute pisses of Your catoo 😺

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I uploaded many pictures of them on cash and read when we're active here

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes pet is like a family member and we have to take care of them like a family... We have pair of parrot as pet and it was gifted suddenly one day female parrot died and the other partner was alone so my mum decided to give him to her friends who have bunch of parrot but now I want to have another one but my busy schedule doesn't allow me

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sad to hear about your parrot's death😿

$ 0.00
1 year ago