Even When It Hurts

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Avatar for Ronellai
4 years ago

I want to share this song, to motivate everyone when it comes to this situation we are facing right now. Everything has a purpose, give all your worries to the Lord.

Let us sing and feel the presence of the Lord. This song we can found a through meaning of seasons and each day of our life. The unpredictable life, and most of all is the unfailing love of God and his faithfullness in our lives.

When you play this song, you may feel like even of it hurts you still be brave in every struggles or ups and down you encountered in you life. The lyrics of the song can touch ouf heart and souls when we are down and blessed.

This experience can lead us to push to do some actions that we may regret later on. Sometimes you forget to thank our God for all the good things that he have done in you.

You may forget him, but he will remember you. You may not pray but he will be your guidance. And he never abandoned us.

Don’t forget that being thankful is the best while performing an actions. Praise Him and trust Him even though you didn’t know what He really wants in our lives.

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$ 0.01 from @ellimacandrea
Avatar for Ronellai
4 years ago


Have faith in God and keep doing good work. Never forget why he created you and fulfill your purpose in life

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4 years ago

This is one of my favorites from Taya Smith. ❤ Reminds me of how we should praise God even if it hurts.

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4 years ago