It began as simple as a story. It spread as slow as lorry.
It went as if it had a set target, Of destroying all on the market.
It started by getting a single member, And that was, I think, in December.
It pretended to be another simple thing, When in reality, it's a song we can't sing.
It is not one of the things to be underestimated, Neither is it one of those things to be tolerated.
It is not that thing that we can easily joke of, It's not even a thing that we can take hold of.
It has caused lock down of many countries, With limitation of who crosses the boundaries.
It has separated most families and friends, Placing them at a distance from very far ends.
It has come to be known as a deadly virus From which no single person can even revive us.
It has come to gain respect from people minus the people giving it honor, this is corona virus.
An enemy,
That has brought so many tragedy.
I found this rythme tooo presented the Corona virus as enemy which is every true and we donβt want this enemy anymore. Nice poetry.loved it.