Gadgets have become a part of our lifestyle. This is also called "needs". It is used as a child or adult for recreation or communication. But not to our knowledge, overuse of gadgets has a detrimental effect on our health. Here are some:
Sleep problems
This is the leading impact of overuse of gadgets. The blue light we get on our gadgets causes slow sleep hormone production. We feel that we need to be awake and alert but in fact it is what prevents us from sleeping.
Tech neck
The “tech neck” is what we usually feel when it hurts our necks and shoulders. This is due to the fact that we rely on our computers and gadgets for a long time.
Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer vision syndrome is the fatigue of our eyes due to excessive focus on our gadgets. It can cause irritation and blur in our eyes.
Poor Posture
Due to excessive use of our cellphones it can cause our backs to be damaged by sitting in the same position for long periods of time.
Laziness laptop
Excessive use of gadgets adds to the laziness of our body which affects to reduce our physical activity.
Those are just some of the negative effects of using gadgets. The use of gadgets is normal but we should limit its use to avoid possible side effects.
Control your self using gadget.
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