In his opinion, the moment has now come when it is being decided whether the new world will be better than the one before the coronavirus.
“It depends on us whether the new world, which will soon be born, will be a better place than the one that we leave behind,” Durov wrote.
Durov also believes that isolation is a chance for everyone to create a “better version of themselves,” as well as for technology to prove their worth.
The founder of the messenger also said that although Telegram is not a company that can be considered cooperating with government agencies, it helps governments disseminate information about the coronavirus.
🌎 So, this month Telegram verified and began to promote 17 channels of the Ministries of Health in different countries of the world.
Telegram reached 400 million active users (100 million more than a year ago). Every day at least 1.5 million people register with Telegram.
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