Looking at the pictures, many may think that someone has given food to a poor hungry person.
No! Your idea is wrong. You will be surprised to know about him.
Do you know who this is?
This selfless circumcision man is one of the leading professors in the Department of Pathology at the University of Chicago in the United States, a medical scholar, and an award-winning researcher.
Name: Hussein_Abad_Al_Sattar! (Dr. Husain A. Sattar) He is the teacher of thousands of medical students directly and indirectly through his book "Fundamentals of Pathology" as if he is a master of other doctors in the world. In the medical world, he is also known as the Creator of pathoma.
If you study in any medical, BUET or expensive university in our country, there is no limit to arrogance and arrogance!
Many people think that hat and beard with Punjabi means the same. This again increases the itching of some people, rabies occurs! Yet, see the dress of this great man. Think about how high science can take people.
May Allah guide us to walk in His path - Amen.