You don't even realize how much damage you are doing to your relationship by showing ego. But when you understand, you will get a lot of decay in that time. No matter how much you want to heal that decay, it will not be as lively as before. It is normal to do. But for Igor, there is nothing more foolish than removing him. Every human being has an ego, but never apply it to people close to you. People close to you may not expect this from you, so when he goes away for your ego day by day. Even after trying a thousand times, you can't bring him back.
It is foolish to show ego to someone without whom not a moment goes by. Never give up on the relationship to Igor. It's okay to talk to him but you can't go by breaking Igor's wall. It may be very easy to build a relationship, but it is very difficult to maintain a relationship and those who can maintain a good life with their loved ones. And the key to being good depends on your mind.
I don't think there are more terrible words than "ego" and "lie". If you want to have a good relationship, you must avoid ego and lying.
Wow😮😮👈 amazing article dear❤❤👈