Once the engine of a ship was not starting, the owner of the ship showed it to many engineers but no one could fix it.
So he brought in a mechanical engineer with 40 years of experience.
He inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom.
After seeing something, the man took a small hammer out of his bag.
He struck a blow with a hammer and the engine started.
7 days later the engineer asked for বিল 10,000 as his bill!
The owner of the ship said, "You haven't done much here. How come there are so many bills ...?"
Then the engineer said that the bill for hitting the house with a hammer is ড 2, but where to hit it is ৮ 9998.
The key is to use your experience to succeed in life.
I always bow down in front of the people whose are more experienced then me. Because I believe that the key is to use your experience to succeed in life.