Without My Eyes

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Avatar for Robbie9
2 years ago

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but what if I couldn't see? I tried closing my eyes, shutting out the sights. Oh dear I bless the Lord for I can see.

Outside is full of wonders, check the sky both at day and night. They both lovely to look at. The best sight is at dark, the stars just nice to see.

Check out the colours of things, red to green, and green to infinity. Different shades, different names but all wonderful. Imagine the eye, all these unable to see.

$ 0.40
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder


A good realizations. We are blessed that we have eyes that can see

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, tell me about it❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago