The Lockdown

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2 years ago

I wrote this a long time for a magazine , it never got published. Do enjoy .

As of 2019, December, corona virus was only native to China, before it began it's spread to other countries in the new year. Nigeria amongst other African countries were the last hit in March. This has not been the first global pandemic, since there is no available vaccine or cure, coupled with the mode of transmission, a global lockdown was envisaged.

A lockdown simply represented the forceful and lawful ban on all forms of movement, thereby forcing citizens of respective countries to their respective homes. This also included the shutdown of several businesses, cinematic houses and other entertainment establishments. Travels both internally and internationally was included in the lockdown measure. This global house arrest affected many walks of life including education, life was brought to a standstill of some sorts; educationally, religiously, socially or recreationally and financially.

The restrictive measure was for a good cause as limited socially contact controlled the impact of the outbreak on the civilians, making the disease easily managed. This however introduced economic hardship on the people, the most hit being the poor and the middle class. Dependent on salary and savings, standard of living had taken a fall. Even with the introduction of palliatives, life was still difficult.

What could have been differently is a question a concerned individual would ask, as we try to find our stand in the affairs of back to normal, with the threat still real and looming, could we still been safe and keep living as we were? Unfortunately no matter how we look at it, the lockdown was a necessary course of action. However during this period, food availability and procurement was the main issue. Electricity and water also took precedence. If l was at the helm of affairs of a country, these would have been on top level priority, the aim is to control the spread of the infection, thus making it easy for health personnel to handle already infected cases. The three things l aforementioned are the basic needs which would make an individual to risk his health. Prevention is better than cure. Local farm production and marketing would have been encouraged to ease the effect of hunger on the population. The farmers in different region would be recognized by the government to receive a periodic stipend to further stem down the cost of food. They would be sensitized with health guidelines so as to keep themselves while discharging their servitude to the populace. Each household of course will also be enforced to plant or rear within their reach. This had been done during the reign of President Olusegun Obasanjo with the programme"Operation Feed The Nation" in 19.

Not just the supply of electricity and water needs increment, these social amenities would need to be free to the public during the period. Payment of bills by the citizenry need to be borne by the government pending a systematic resumption of normal state of affairs. The people's needs comes first.

Suspension or reduction in tax rate and loans would also be considered but a weekly stipend to each censured adult would be something to look into. The idea of palliatives though thoughful was rather inadequate and rather had a poor supply round a state's citizenry. Their source of income has been seized for the time being, it is only fair for a system to be put in place to ease the effect on the community.

Leadership is not an easy feat, everyone put in charge by election or appointment is called to serve in the best interest of the people. This is not easy as several challenges lie in every well thought decision. However this is the path l would tow, credence for paying attention to the upgrade of health care services and utilization of the internet to make things work. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is my own perspective on the economic welfare of the people.

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2 years ago
