The Heart

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Avatar for Robbie9
2 years ago

Not the smallest but quite big, not the biggest but not small either. Muscles it has, yeah but just you won't see it. Its strength comes from within.

The body is formed, the breath inserted. Take in life and he began to walk. All this is maintained by that little red guy on the block, all day long on the clock, he's quite the worker ain't he?

If we could give a day off to an organ, I'd choose the heart. Giving his all everytime, in stress and rest, fun and work he's there for you. Doing that though, I'd probably drop dead on the spot.

Little red guy, not so little. I think he probably wanna be a drummer. The LUB DUB sounds, like he beating a tune. Quite nice too, should win an award or two. Saving lives and giving a beautiful tone.

A little extra if I might add, it so soothing to hear it's best. Sign of life, a sign you breathe. It's even better when you hear that sound from your partner, whose beats for you.

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