Love Or Madness

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Avatar for Robbie9
2 years ago

Farewell To The World

"I'm not sure how long I have been in here, probably months or could it be less. Nevertheless, it feels like an eternity, like I have been sucked into a black hole, I feel nothing in this place. It does not feel like a prison, it is worse, I am in an abyss. I wish there was something I could feel, happiness or anger, being calm or anxious but there is absolutely nothing. Does time flow at all? I do not know, remember I do not know how I have been here, sounds frustrating but I can't feel that too."

He hurriedly puts the note under his pillow before pretending to sleep, good thing his ears were attentive to the door. While closing his eyes with his right hand as a visor, he could sense the presence of two, no three people. The deep voice belongs to the doctor, too bad he can't understand his words as usual. Probably followed by the nurse, he decides to drop the facade, he needs to know if it will be the needle. He can't help but sigh in disappointment, he hates pills. "Good morning Sam", the only thing meaningful in his life right now, if only he knew why she was this good to him. Her smile warms his heart so much that he wonders why a good soul like her should be here for him. She does this twice every day not sure how though, but why? He can not seem to know and what did she mean by calling me her husband.

"His condition is still the same, I will have to switch the meds but I cannot guarantee his recovery, I am sorry." Rose expected this but she couldn't just give up, a good man like him didn't deserve this. The tears began to flow, she has held it for so long trying to be strong for her love and now the doctor is telling her there is no hope. "what to do I wonder?" She couldn't help but whisper. "There is still hope anyways, his behaviour is definitely better than the previous year, he is well behaved just that he is emotionless for the time being. I wish he did not keep to himself so much considering his bipolar condition. The betrayal at his workplace may have been the last straw, but according to the diary you stumbled on, he has been carrying a lot of baggage. I wished you had seen the signs but then don't blame yourself, he was probably very good at keeping secrets. One should not shoulder things like that especially for someone with a mental disorder, his insanity could have been avoided." Taking his eyes off the documents before him, he looks at her " In all honesty, I am impressed you have stuck with him this long, do not worry so much. In our profession, the saying 'Time is the healer of wounds', holds true in most of our mental cases, who knows you might be lucky. "You may go" this he said before facing his desk again. "Thank you doctor", the closed door announced her departure.

I may not understand anything that is said to me, but I do know I should end this, at first it was for me, the endless torture too unbearable. Then everything changed when I saw her crying. Not today, I don't know when but for the first time I felt something, I was sad too. She read the text she got, seem like she was having money issues, raising two kids on her own just got harder. I don't know how but it somehow triggered a memory but I couldn't tell her so I went to sleep, pretended rather.

It's too late to go back now, the white bedsheets were turning red and I becoming weak with every passing second. The bulb was my ticket to the afterlife but I would like... The door is opened forcefully and she's one of them, I smile getting to see her for the last time. "Good morning Rose" it was tough to say that, barely a whisper, hope she heard because I could say no more.

It was painful to see this, she stood by him all this time and seeing the snaily progress, there was still hope and he just gave up. I would love to beat him up for being this mad but then wasn't he mad? Almost chuckled but the sombre mood put me in check, however, she sees something in his right hand, a letter. She reads through with constant sobs, her expression became sadder before she gave it to me. I glanced through everything and I really felt for him but at the bottom, I saw 'PTO', I gave it back and almost imediately she became lighter, still sad but happy. It wasn't clear but I heard her say I love you too, being curious I slid to her side and I saw a confession of having an insurance claim of a whopping sum, his lawyer to call and an 'I love you. Take care Rose and keep smiling.' I told her to go home while I handled her husband's corpse to send to the morgue. Done with the entire process, I could now sit in my office and digest the whole situation while staring out my window. "This is madness!" That was all I could say but I couldn't help but admit that love was at play.

$ 0.05
$ 0.03 from @Ezelazra3
$ 0.02 from @Chief_Mekus
Avatar for Robbie9
2 years ago
