The world we are today the only thing that matters in the mind of the people today is MONEY.
Money changes everything, money brings about respect, its brings about rest of mind. It is the main reason why we work. You work because you want to collect money to sustain your daily needs or family. It is the most recognized in the whole world. Money stop nonsense so it good to have. Once you do, you will be recognize and they'll talk about you.
Here is another way to be recognized. Thou Fame and Money works hand in hand. Fame brings money likewise money brings fame. All you need to upgrade is your talent,once that is done the fame will come and once the fame come, you become the talk of the town.
No body talks about you when you're nobody so you've got to work hard to achieve that goal of yours. You ain't from a rich home doesn't mean you can't be rich. Build yourself don't back down, you can be that person you've dreamed of. Build your Empire and the world will talk about you.