Am of two part: my Heart and my Body.
I owned you says my Heart.
No you're mine says my Body.
I am confused about this,Who do I belong to? is it the heart or the body.
The Heart
Without me you're nothing. I am like the CPU ,I process all the activities of your life,with me that good for nothing (Body) will never function.I control the brain, blood,response to stimulus and so on. So what other prove do you need to make you believe that I AM YOU.
You don't need to hear from that thing (Body) that I put on as cloth.
The Body
Really! Is that all oh come on there should be more. Now listen
Without me there isn't you. You're just like a snail ,without the shell you're gone. I protect you,feed you,work for you and yet you still don't appreciate me. Come on what else do you want? I am like a house wired by an electrician in a condict way ( pipe layout through which the current(Blood) flows.
I am someone who you can't survive with out, get that into your tick skull. Am not selfish like you do,all I know is...
I am both of you. Remember (BIRDS OF SAME FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER).
Every parts of body are each for other... You wont be complete if one is missing... Both anatomically and mentally you are both of them!