Re: settling matters

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Avatar for Rioelder
3 years ago

How rapid it is for something absolutely unfortunate, when visited upon the masses, to spread as fast as a speed of light? In minutes, social media statuses have been flooded with lies and deceptions all in the name of fun; "settling matters" as it is known. However, and before you throw stones, I implore all Muslims and morally upright ones to escort me down the next paragraphs.

It is heavily important to stay away from lazy parasites who perch on you just to satisfy their needs. They do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty. Yeah! Nonsensical engagements are paths to intellectual poverty.

My dear Muslim brothers and sisters should however know that, allowing riffraffs to toy with your intelligence and trade your precious time with immoralities is a despicable matter in need of refusal uproar. More intelligently, subscribing to every single, fruitless 'trend' on social media shows how unconcerned you are about the affairs of the next life. One of the Salaf said: “Never leave a good deed because of its difficulty, for the difficulty will eventually go but the deed will remain forever. Never do a bad deed because of its pleasure/enjoyment, for the pleasure/enjoyment will eventually go but the deed will remain forever.”

"Settling matter", as it is called, amazingly showed how completely delusions can be consumable and enjoyable by people. In Islam, lying, even while joking, is forbidden. Mu’awiyyah ibn Haydah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Woe to one who tells lies to make people laugh. Woe to him! Woe to him!” [Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4990]. How scary was the Hadith. Do you wish to trade a short-term pleasure (due to this 'deceptive game') with an everlasting punishment (as a repercussion)?

It is reported that Abū Bakr Al-Ṣiddīq – Allāh be pleased with him – said: "Beware of lying, for lying is far removed from īmān." [Abū Bakr Al-Ḵallāl, Al-Sunnah no. 1467, 1470; Al-Bayhaqī, Shuʿab Al-Īmān no. 4463.]

– Ibn Al-Qayyim said in Al-Fawāʾid, …"Thus, every good action – both outer and inner – comes from truthfulness, and every evil corrupt action – both outer and inner – comes from falsehood and lying. ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-’Azeez said: “I have never lied since learning that lying adversely affects the liar.” [Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa, 5/121]

And all praises belongs to Allah Who has made lying a sinful and despicable act. We ask Him to safeguard our hearts and limbs (eyes, ears, lips etc) from disobeying and transgressing His limits.

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3 years ago
