Do the thinking

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Avatar for Rioelder
3 years ago

• [It is ironic that] your desirous self (nafs) provokes you to do what you are unsure of but you cannot win it over matters that you are certain of!

The wonder of all wonders is that you are pleased with your arrogance (ghurūr), and your indulgence into idle play while overlooking what has been hidden for you! You are fooled with your health and seem to forget that sickness is near; and you rejoice for you wellness all the while you fail to notice the pain that is yet to come. *Verily, the death of others was just to remind you of your own death* , and the death of others was only to remind you of your death! Your indulgence in fulfilling your desires averts you from remembering the destruction of your essence.

As one poet said,

As if you had not heard of the news of the people before,

and not seen how time ruined those in the present.

If you did not know, then look at their ruins,the wind and the grave erased their remains.

There is no house master that settled down in his grave without first being removed from his house! How many palace lords have you seen being ruled by their enemies after they were removed from their positions!

O you who steps forward towards such an end, with every moment that passes, yet act as if he does not know or understand!

How can the heart sleep in tranquility, while not yet knowing whether it will dwell in hell or heaven?

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Your each and every article contains a message for us. You are right... It is time to think.. We are responsible for what i am doing. May Allah be kind upon us and forgive us.

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3 years ago

A great read 👍💕

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3 years ago

Think “naught” for the mind paradigm is very limited. Only one slice of the paradox. Whilst there are infinite probabilities. Already created. Without the mind.. Without the limited thinking..

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3 years ago

Your writing was very nice. We should think at least once before doing anything. My guess is that people will be responsible for the consequences of human actions.

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3 years ago

Which poet was it? It's a bit hard to recognize what the poet said and what your words are.

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3 years ago