Woodlands Stories

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I grew up with stories of ghosts and spirits wandering through the forest behind my grandma's house, but it wasn't the unseen forces that made me shudder. It wasn't their claws, their fangs, or their deep, red eyes that kept me up at night, it was a human who left me with a scar running deep through my face.

There weren't one harm creatures of the night can do that human can't.

One night, I decided to see if these creatures did live behind the tall oaks behind the house. I was allowed during the day, but I've never seen any tracks. It seemed to be a way too convenient an excuse for a creature's tracks to disappear during the day.

I walked to the wooden gate separating our garden from the forest, and rested my elbow on it. Time must have passed, as the sky went from a light blue to reddish in front of my eyes. Those were the days where I still had the means to empty my mind and just let everything around me flow. Time itself flew.

'' You're going into the forest.''

I snapped out of my dream. My grandma, walking with two canes made from two tree stems made her way to the edge of the garden, unknown to me.

Before I could open my mouth and protest she shook her head.

''Go, perhaps they'll often a trade for that scar of yours''

The creatures were known to offer humans trades, but I didn't imagine my grandma would advise me to trade with anyone, especially, not beings who can't stand the light of the day without having their skin burn.

I nodded and squeezed the wooden gate with my hand. Perhaps, she thought I would be better of making a bad trade than live with a scar on my face, unmarried, a beggar in her house.

To be continued...

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I will definitely follow you for the next article of this, I remembered my childhood fears when I saw tall trees in the dark my imagination of unknown is bursting in my mind...keep it up and Godbless

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User's avatar eve
3 years ago