In Confession, There's a Liberation

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2 years ago


Realize yourself. Realize all your sins, mistakes, guilts, regrets, every burden, and every weight on you. Reflect to yourself. With this, you can determine what you have to fix to you, what part of you you needs cleansing, growing, developing, changing...identify that part of you that you need to calm and tame.


Confess your sin. Preferably to God. However, we both have different beliefs in religion so I'll let you just choose who you want to confess. Then I suggest that you confess to yourself too. Feel yourself, talk to yourself as if it's your closest friend. Hear yourself, pat yourself.


Once you confess you'll feel lighter. In admittance and acceptance of mistakes there's freedom. Freedom from guilt, anxiety, self oppression. Confess then free yourself.

This doesn't mean that you're responsibilities and consequences will be irrelevant. You still have to face those however instead before of facing those with shackles, now that you're free, you'll be facing those with armor.

If you live with Christ you'll get the Armor of God. Helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shield of faith, sword of spirit, sandals of gospel of peace, and all together launched and empowered with genuine prayer.

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2 years ago
