PRIDE-The remedy for this sin is humility. We achieve humility by practicing self-denial, meekness, submission, patience, not seeking honors

GREED-The remedy is generosity, kindness, mercy, almsgiving and works of charity.

ANGER-The remedy is inner peace, docility, meekness, and charity. Forgive others as you wish God to forgive you.

LUST-The remedy is purity, modesty in dress, custody of the senses, thoughts, desires, speech

ENVY-The practice of charity and brotherly love are remedies for this sin.

SLOTH-The remedy for this sin is working against our tendency to be spiritually lazy. Diligence in prayer and seeking the sacraments as well as studying scripture help.

GLUTTONY-The remedy is moderation of food and drink, sobriety, abstinence, and fasting

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@Rhapz posted 2 years ago
