She is  really busy?

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2 years ago

Often in relationships we hear that our partner is busy. So they are unable to give us time. But is this really true? If you have not heard any deep lie then you should know that whenever your dear one says she or he is busy, she lies with you. Because this is reality. What is reality? Reality is whenever your demand will decrease to someone , they will start to ignore you, don't care about you. If you want to hear my experience, I can say that there were times when I have ignored my EX so badly because I am interested in someone else. But I keep saying to her that I am Busy. Yes, I was busy but not like that. 

You need to know that your dear one will say she is busy, only when she is losing interest in you.  Because there were days when I would chat with my EX during class time. But there were times too when i was free but kept saying to her i am busy. At that time I talked with someone else. I don't know why I did this but this is the reality. There will be a day, when you can not force your dear one to stay with you because she is interested in others. At that time you should let her be with others because once your heart is gone for others, this will never be back again. This is what I have faced.

Finally, humans always want something which can bring them an advantage. So as long as the thing brings advantage for them, they stay with them. After that they leave like we leave our useless paper. 

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Ayaan258
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It's really hurting that you ignore your ex. Ignorance kills the man bruh. Anyways your writing skill is amazing. But if you write your articles more long then rusty visit in your article soon. inshaAllah. Atleast a little more sentence add in your article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have already got the visit of rusty few month back and later faced account problem. SO i am not worrying about it now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ohh okay ...

$ 0.00
2 years ago