In this world, it's hard to love and to feel loved, right? You're scared of being hurt, so you're afraid of falling in love. I know what you're going through because I've been there. I used to look for love that would fill my soul, but I'm here to tell you that I did not found it here on Earth. You know where I'm talking about? I found true love only in Jesus Christ. I always say that 'The love of the WORLD will fail, but the love of the LORD never will.' I really believe this because I have experienced all types of love. God's affection is infinite. The first time I felt love and the moment I welcomed Him into my life is still clear in my heart. Being love is being loved by Jesus! That was the most precious love I've ever known. Tell us about a moment when you felt His love

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@Remar021 posted 2 years ago
