How Piracy Affect Anime Industry? (Cryptocurrency Involved?)

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4 years ago

Anime industry is suffering from illegal distribution of its patented work throughout the internet. Piracy is not new in the industry not just in anime but also in other patented works like movies, video, audios, images and even article. And it is also believed that cryptocurrency plays a big role in this illegal works.

Although it is believed that piracy don't have a direct effect on the industry especially to the already popular one. Anime piracy only happens outside of Japan because the people there watch anime/manga legally through TV Shows, Buying Blu-rays, Purchasing Manga, Games and More. There are also legal streaming sites outside Japan for foreign viewers although it is not free but still it has so many subscribers, and one of them is Crunchyroll.

But it didn't mean that piracy don't have a negative effect at all. And besides a law is law and piracy is still considered as illegal. It don't have a direct effect to those anime that already popular but it still hurts the smaller one. And that is where cryptocurrency involves. Most piracy sites is powered by cryptos, from buying products through cryptos to powering the sites by advertisements mostly about cryptocurrency.

Anime piracy is usually a cause of low protection for a copyrighted works. We can only stopped them if we just increase our effort of protecting this works. There are so many ways of watching anime online legally and one of them is already mentioned. "Crunchyroll" Offer almost any anime to watch legally. And if you can't afford paid streaming sites, you can watch anime in YouTube for free and legal. Just search for the channel of "Muse Asia" or "Anione".

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Lets support the industry by stopping piracy. Not just in Anime but also for other local or international works.

Thanks for Reading!

$ 0.16
$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Geri
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4 years ago


Thankyou for the article, but this article is wrong, so let me correct a few things:

First of all: Patented? You confuse patents with copyright.

You are also confuse legality with piracy - because downloading and uploading movies for private use is not illegal in a lot of countries.

Also you have to be a legal entity and run a corporation in a given country to be able to send remove requests to the owners of the site/or to the police. Because, in most countries, the concept of international copyright does not even exists.

Also, if these big studios just fail to setup a site with a crypto node officially where users can watch their anime for like 0.05$ per episode (or something) in 2020 then maybe they should reconsider they busines model...

$ 0.00
4 years ago