Rants and Ramblings

Seems to be my shitiest day. Been waiting for my sched to have my motor bike smoked test as requisite for it's registration renewal. Finally it came and on a Friday on top of many things to do and accomplish. Woke up early and was already on site earlier than the one in-charged to conduct it. But was told to come back by 4 in the afternoon. Needing to do it once and for all was compliant and returned on the designating time despite the rain. Anxious that might not be accom-ed asked the lady if my name was on queue. She told me, ya, and we are on this together even if till 7 pm Browse my Inkitt to while my waiting time. Only to be told, I'm not actually included with those who will be served today. And I woke up early, forego some if my chore, skipped lunch and got drenched ONLY for nothing? You think I deserved to be pissed?

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@Reichczard posted 4 years ago
