Building a Bee Sanctuary - Fresh Start - Fundraiser

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Avatar for Ravenkyng
1 year ago

Hey everyone,

We are an artist couple, Einar and Samimah who have been keeping Bees at our current home in Luxembourg, but our Circumstances have changed such that we are forced to leave our current home with barely any finances to realistically back us up to start from scratch.

We have been taking care of 2 bee hives & 2 ball pythons in the past couple of years. The place we were staying at provided us with a small portion of the garden in which we were able to set up our hives, which we now have to, unfortunately, abandon since they will not be able to travel with us, though we will be making sure they are cared for appropriately by someone else here in Luxembourg who can take over those hives.

We would very much love to continue our endeavor, but this is no longer possible for us here in Luxembourg. Now we are faced with considering the options of moving to a location that is financially less restrictive & expensive, hoping that we might be able to somehow collect enough funds through our work and hopefully through this fundraiser, to enable us to buy a small house with property in either Eastern or Southern Europe. Our goal is to build a small bee sanctuary and also a home in which we can follow our creative pursuits.

Together we do art, music, silversmithing, leatherwork, tailoring and natural perfumes, all in all, enjoying exploring artisanal and self-sufficient crafts.

We now have around 1 month before we have to leave our current residence for good, by that time we need to first acquire a vehicle to transport all of our materials and our 2 snakes, in the best case scenario a small van that has enough space, then we will be hitting the road in search of a new location.

As it stands we will financially only have a maximum of 30, 000 euros to our name at best by the time we leave. Which does not leave a lot of room for a fresh start.

We have been exploring for the past several years how to grow our own food sustainably and organically and researching solutions regarding helping the bees with all of the issues they are facing. We would very much love to continue doing that.

Our intentions from the start of that venture were not at all to produce honey or other derivatives, but really just to offer them a place to be themselves and live a real bee life; free and self-sufficient. We have understood that bees are commonly being exploited leaving less room for consideration of their own needs and resources, and their own life support (honey, pollen and propolis) overharvested in the fashion that is current in the beekeeping domain. For us it was extremely important to respect their autonomy and witness the magic of their bee-ing; both our hives have survived this winter without any input/ crutches from us, they have made it all on their own and to be able to witness that as a human is a profound inspiration. That being proof of them having the innate intelligence and resourcefulness to stay healthy and strong and survive an entire winter by their own means, which is something we want to make available for bees as a species, and frankly is something we would wish for any living being on earth. Obviously, if we can offer a place of peace and abundance to any kind of animal at our sanctuary in the future we would not hesitate.

We have been looking at the prices of properties around the Eastern & Southern EU, since these are the only countries in which our budget would enable us at the very least to buy a small piece of land with a small home that is not absolutely in ruins and get by for several months until we are able to settle in and hopefully begin making enough of a living to support ourselves and gradually build up the place.

We've set the goal of the fundraiser at 50, 000 since that would allow us to start fresh & provide us with enough options to reasonably be able to begin our Dream of Starting our Sanctuary and New home.

Important Notice and Clarification:

The Bee Sanctuary we wish to create, is meant to be exactly that a true sanctuary, with no commercial exploitation of the Bee whatsoever. We are experimenting with creating the necessary environment for the Bee to thrive, by implementing a healthy environment for them providing them the needs that are fundamentally lacking and ignored in todays modern beekeeping practices. The Studies of Paul Stamets have been tremendously inspiring, he has discovered that one particular reason the Bee is struggling so much, is the unnoticed connection that Bees share with Fungi. We did not harvest any honey from our bees allowing them to keep all their stores for the winter, and we also fed them natural immune enhancing Reishi Mushroom Extract inspired by Stamets work and did our best to promote the growth of mushrooms in our Garden so that they would have access to them on their own accord.

We would like to continue working with the new knowledge that has been gained by his research and use all of the new Data to help reestablish a healthy environment in which the Bee can not just survive, but really thrive.

For those interested I would highly recommend to check out Paul Stamets work, since there are very few people actually implementing his discoveries into their practice.

Here is a video about his research:

Also our Artist Page is to be found at: for those who would like to support us by purchasing some of our artworks, or simply discover our creations.

In the name of the Bee people,

Thank YOU!!

Rudolf Steiner on Bees:

What we only experience when love arises in our hearts is to be found, as it were, in the whole bee-hive as substance. The whole hive is in reality permeated with love. The individual bees renounce love in manifold ways and thus develop love throughout the whole hive. One only begins to understand the life of the bees when one knows that the bee lives in an atmosphere completely pervaded by love.

On the other hand, the bee is quite especially favoured by the fact that, in its turn, it feeds upon just those parts of the plants which are also wholly pervaded by love. The bees suck out their food — which they then turn into honey — exclusively from those parts of the plants that are centered in love; they bring, so to speak, the love-life of the flowers into the hive.

Donation Possibilities


We have started a GoFundMe page where you can easily make a Donation online














In the name of the Bee people,
Thank YOU!!

Also you can support us by purchasing one of our artworks or artisanal creations at:


$ 0.00
Avatar for Ravenkyng
1 year ago


Gran labor, estás salvando el mundo, te agradezco

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1 year ago