Someone has said "trouble never comes alone" unemployment is also a curse that brings with it many other troubles. Unemployment, poverty, hunger and disease are mutually reinforcing. On the one hand, the effect of the unemployed person and all the members of the family is reflected in the form of ignorance, misery and distress, on the other hand, unemployment and poverty create different types of moral and social evils.
A review of cases of prostitution, theft, robbery, dishonesty shows that one of the major causes of these crimes is unemployment and poverty. Apart from the individual and social disadvantages of unemployment, the biggest disadvantage is that the effect of unemployment impedes the development of the country. In the eyes of the world, the country is considered backward and undeveloped which cannot even provide jobs to a large number of its inhabitants. Unemployment in educated youth means the country's educational projects that should have developed and benefited the country are all worthless and wasted.
Our time is the time of science and nuclear development. The immense force of the atom bomb ACTS like a slave on our signals today. We can use this power to develop peace and humanity and also for war. It did not last long that the power of atom was used in the war in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only two explosions of the atom bomb had annihilated millions of human beings. For hundreds of miles, plants, humans and animals were turned into dust piles and millions of people were crippled forever, but the current hydrogen bomb was three times more devastating than them.
I hope you will enjoy my article.
I will be thankful for you guys
THis is very important problem