General Intruduction
There is a common saying that health is wealth. What does it actually means for us? It means we should give more importance to our health than any other thing. It is because if you are a healthy man you can do anything in your life but if anyhow you are rich but not healthy than you can enjoy nothing in this life.
Physical, Mental Health.
A healthy person is the one who have good physical mental conditions. Our health is more valuable and important than anything in this world. Good health is much important because it is the main source of joy and happiness in your life.
Health and Medicines
An healthy man doesn't need medications in order to improve his health. But an ill person has to spend much money for this purpose. That's also a big loss for the ill person. When we are healthy in our life we don't considers it as a blessing from God. Rather we use certain things like cold drinks etc to destroy our health. But when our health become worse at times, we acknowledged the actual price of health and than we understand that how important our health is.
Physical Illness of a Person
A physically ill person has to tackle with alot of daily routine problems whether they are professional or personal. He has to face huge challenges in his life to live better.
Importance of Exercise
Exercise and physical workout is much important for our health. It's beneficial in losing body's overweight. Hence more workout also good for our heart and muscles also.
Vitamins and Minerals Intake
In order to improve our health we should need to eat more fruits in our diet for the purpose of getting more vitamins which are needed for our normal body functioning. They have a positive impact on our health.
Avoiding Junk food
If we wants to live healthy we must adapt only healthy food for our lifestyle and we should avoid eating junk food like burgers, Pizza etc.
Importance of Sleep
A normal sleep of 6 to 8 hours is much important thing for our health. If we don't have normal sleep time it will have bad impacts on our mental health.