My mother' Wake up Early In The Morning and also Wake me for prayer it's my daily routine before sleeping in night my mother asked me when you Sleep and repeat this question 2, 3 time's and then I'm sleepy , after Prayers in Mosque I'm going to my Field and absorbed NaTuRe in my own body because it's so beautiful and so Peacefully Environment in the morning .

Walk there and checked some plant how they Grow and what is efficient for these plant , mostly two time give a water to them and they Grow fastly but I want to grow more fast , so I decided to give them a fertilizer urea it's all about my Interest in Plant . In Field I'm Spend a 20,30 minutes

After That in my Home some plants and some flowers plant are here which is so beautiful for me and they shining in my home Always everyone like them and Smile to see it , some dates tree already Present in the Garden areas but I'm upgrade more and more thing's which made more Beautiful .

Everyone want his home looks Like "Taj Mahal " but try everyone , This Is make us happy to care our things , because we get a after hard work , mine try to Keep it more great and my Home always Beautiful , it's give to my home Attractive , Fantastic And Fictitious ..

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@Rasheedbhutta143 posted 2 years ago
