Happiness is An Inside Job .

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2 years ago

We all want to be happy – but what does that actually mean? And how can we get happiness? Some people related it with fame ? some related it with money ? Well, one thing is for sure – happiness does not exist outside of yourself, it’s not something you need to look in the world around your self , it's something that resides in your inner.

Happiness is a personal thing

Happiness is a personal thing – it has everything to do with you and nothing to do with others. The idea that we gain happiness from external things like a fab new car or jewelary or something shiny.

Well, that’s not true. Sure a person or new toy might make us feel good or excited but this feeling is short-lived. And it’s not happiness. This is excitement or joy. Which is nice, don’t get me wrong but a relationship or material items aren’t going to bring us happiness.Happiness comes from within us, from contentment with yourself. Happiness comes from how we feel within..

Forget about pursuing happiness

The concept of “the pursuit of happiness” tells us that happiness is out there somewhere to be found. So we need to look for it, and when we find it, then we will be happy.Under this idea, happiness is something we can find outside of ourselves – if we search hard enough. This puts a lot of pressure on ourselves to find this elusive happiness. And it might make people feel like they are failing at finding happiness because they don’t have something that they want like a house, ideal job or partner.

The pursuit of happiness concept feeds the idea that if something happens, then we will be happy.But do you know what? It never works – we might find some excitement or joy from achieving what we think will bring us happiness but it doesn’t last, it’s not true happiness.

So forget about pursuing happiness – it is not out there to be found. Happiness can come from within you so that’s where we need to focus – inside yourself.

Your happiness is your responsibility

We shouldn’t blame others for not making us happy. Happiness is your responsibility, alone. We each have to figure out how to take things that happen in life and make the best out of the situation. To look to the positive and to be happy.

To me, happiness is inner peace. It’s being content in each moment. It’s in embracing the moment we are in. Happiness is staying in the positive attitude .Happiness like positivity is there, moment by moment. Make the choice to look to the positive, stay in the present and to embrace that moment like you chose it.Sometimes things happen that aren’t nice things. We have to process them, learn and move on. Release, forgive and carry on with our lives.

It’s in this kind of living that we feel happiness. By being grateful for each moment that we have, we find happiness within. It’s not by being happy that we are grateful but it’s the other way around. When we are grateful for each moment and for what we have right now, that’s when we find happiness!

Happiness is acceptance

"The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life". ~Brian Tracy

I think real happiness comes when we accept ourselves the way you are . We should need to understand that there are things that are beyond our control.We must accept those things which we can't change ....We should Stop comparing ourself to others all the time.

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today”. Jordan Peterson said that.

Channel your brain to make a better comparison in your long-term interest, growth, and happiness.Change the object of comparison to yourself.

Happiness lives in the present moment

If we are in the pursuit of happiness and searching for it, then we are skipping the moment we are in right now. This feeling robs us of enjoying the moment we are in because we are constantly on the lookout for something better, something that is going to make us happy. And we miss what’s happening now, we miss the opportunity to be happy, now!

By being grateful for what we have – right now and by staying present in the moment we are in, and loving ourselves for who we are, we find happiness within ourselves......

In the last , i wanna thanks to all of you for reading this so patiently , i hope u guys must have learn something from this ..

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2 years ago
