You are unique too!!!

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1 year ago

Remember you're also unique just like everyone else.

You're so unique 😍

Just as the topic implies "YOU'RE UNIQUE TOO". Yes you are, only if you act and prove it in a way that you're significant and special.

  • Do not think so high of yourself and start disrespecting other people. You should try to make your ego to the point that it does not harm anyone.

  • There's no end to the desires of the mind. You will need to calm down your mind before all could make sense. Once you achieve the best from your thoughts, you will then realise what truly matters.

  • Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. Do it in your best interest. In one way or the other, you will surely get what you want.

  • If you have a dream, have faith and work hard towards achieving it. Soon, the dream you envisioned will come true. You're ONLY responsible for making your dreams come to reality. The results might not be exactly how you thought they would be, but your will achieve what you truly desire.

  • There are many ways to reach a destination. If one door closes, do not get disappointed. Your duty is to find the other door that's opened. You need to realise that there are many doors leading to your dream. The other doors might be new, but one of them will lead you to your desired destination.

  • You don't have to access the quality of your life through the measurements of the masses. Make sure your definition of success is not what anyone else fixed for you. Make your definitions alone and live up to your standards.

  • You cannot please everyone at the same time. People can even find faults in god. How can you expect these people to like you entirely and wholeheartedly? In the pursuit of appeasing everyone in your surrounding, you will fail miserably. So focus on the things that please you rather than everyone.

  • You're likewise responsibly significant to many people in your surrounding and also the reason for their smiles. You need to understand that you're amazing. Your unique way of thinking can make a difference in your society. You have what it takes to make this world a better place.

  • Your body is also very significant. Ask your body whatever it wants. There are very few things they your body needs. Just fulfill the requirements of your body and trust me, it will give you rewards that nothing else offer you. Food, clothing and shelter are basic things enough to make your body rest and satisfied.


  • Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. One way or another, you will get what you want. If you have a dream, have faith and work hard for it. Only you are responsible for making your dreams come to reality. You need to realise that there are many doors leading to your goal. Other doors might be new, but one of them will surely lead you to the place you want and choose to be. Do not look for anyone's approval to feel good about yourself. Your body is very significant. Take good and perfect care of it too.....

Lastly, don't forget you're always very unique, significant and outstanding in any circumstance you might find yourself engaged in.

Thanks for reading.....I hope these little tips of mine could help each and every one of us out as we take them all into practice.

Goodbye pals😍

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Written by
1 year ago
