Have Spare Time? Then Do this…

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2 years ago

We live in a time where most people have a lot of free time and don't know how to use it. Many of us end up spending countless hours browsing through social media or binge content to waste time. We can all do better.

If you want to improve your life, there are five of the best things you can do in your free time


We need to add the energy to be productive during our free time. We no longer get the amount of labour and exercise our body normally requires to function well. There are many proven benefits of exercising including an increase in energy levels and in cognitive function. Go workout or do some cardio.

I recommend starting strength for beginners. Stop doing effortless activities and improve your fitness.


I don't mean the stuff you learn in school. Most of it is useless in the real world. In this day and age, you don't even have to read anymore to learn, you can listen to audio books or even watch informative videos. Learn stuff that you're interested in.

I recommend learning about self development because it is practical knowledge that can be applied in real life.


Many people don't believe in it even though thousands of studies have shown how beneficial it is. Maybe this is because it doesn't seem very appealing. You sit and you do nothing. That sounds kind of lame however there's more to it. When you meditate, you train your brain to focus on certain thoughts and ignore others. It improves your concentration and your happiness. And the best part is you only need to spend ten minutes a day to start reaping the benefits.


Everyone has a passion that triggers an excitement in them. Your passion is your source of fulfilment. Without it, you will feel that something is missing in your life. Work on it and hone your craft. Better yet try to make income with it through a business. If you don't know what it is yet, keep trying new things and see what excites you.

Self reflection

These days it is easy to get lost in the blame game for your problem. Instead, slowdown to see if you are the problem. This is different from meditation. We want to question our goals, behavior and state of mind.

To start, first identify important questions then go to your list and explore those questions. Just dink and brainstorm. You can write them down, just dink or even talk to someone about it. Your approach is up to you.

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Written by
2 years ago
