Talking to the moon, in broad daylight
Setting for the sun, at twelve midnight
Dying to be heard, in deafening silence
Defying all odds to see without eye lens.
Against all odds, the willing heart rides.
Come short of the star,and hit the moon
For life is a journey, we shall arrive soon
Courage flames rekindle,fears melt away
Had shattered dreams,on a beautiful day
Against all odds, a sailor rows in tides.
Bottledrop of criticism, falling on deaf ears
Evil geniuses intimidating, but no one fears
We're world's first timers, in error we learn
From sad past we came,for better we yearn
Against all odds,in future everyone prides
Like oceans we break border to overflow
Like lilly in the mire,we're sprouting to grow From rag-to-riches, a persevering soul goes
It is the ultimate sacrifice every hero does.
Against odds, the stoic, the future decides.
Against all odds, come what may
Life is a game,everyone must play
Against all odds, the player shall score
For we're here to conquer what we saw.
Against all odds, lemme see you at the top
Against all odds, I'm gonna stand up from my bed this morning and win! Thanks for the motivation friend!