InputThe input, output, memory and processor are all hardware.These devices become active and meaningful with the help of software on the computer.Generally, computer software can be divided into two parts.We can write with a computer, draw pictures, listen to music, navigate the internet and do many other things or applications like this, so this type of software is called application software. But this application software cannot be used directly on a computer. If you have to use them on the computer Then another software before the computer. Is to keep moving The name of that software is operating system software or operating system for short or OS for short.When a computer is switched on with the first switch, the operating system starts working immediately. He examines all the instruments of the computer, connects all the instruments to one another, activates the input output.If you have to store some information in the computer, they have a system to store it, etc.So the operating system keeps a computer running, usable The operating system keeps many computer tasks ready for use,So that application software can use them. Larger supercomputers have their own operating systems. The PCs or personal computers that we know of are called operating systems Windows, Mac, Unique etc. Computer hardware has to be bought with money, operating system has to be bought with money and these are quite valuable. Many computer scientists around the world have created a kind of free operating system, they are available for free. Don't think that it is free, it is not effective. They are very nice operating system. One such free operating system is called Linux, which is extremely popular around the world Operating system.
The name of that software is operating system software or operating system for short or OS for short