Change Yourself And Your Character

Avatar for Rajpoot-Bhatti.
2 years ago

Hello read cash friends!

January 23,2022
Publish by: Rajpoot-Bhatti.
Article no: 14

How are you? I hope all of you are fine and enjoying the blessings of God From the mercy of Allah who created us and gave us all kinds of blessings, I hope that all of you will be enjoying your life. And I pray to Allah Almighty that you all may live your life with laughter and happiness with your family and may Allah keep you always healthy and happy.

Let's start!

Friends, in all our work, our character and our personality is very much metered. Our personality is very much our identity, what kind of person we are and what kind of mood we are today. How is our attitude towards others? How do we treat other people? Our personality affects a lot of other people. If our personality and our character is good then our interaction with others will increase even more. And if our character is not good then other people's attitude and views on us will not be right If our attitude and personality is good then we will be good in the eyes of other people and in their eyes our status will be even higher.


Friends, we should elevate our personality in each other, we should improve our own personality When we refine our personality, our personality as well as our character will increase our knowledge and people will be more impressed with us. When our personality is very high, people will remember us instead of telling us, brothers, they will not give us an example, I will give you an example. Will tell people that such and such servant has more good morals than fresh and his personality is very high.

Wearing good clothes does not make you a personality

When it comes to nurturing our personality, we should not think that if we wear good clothes, then our personality will become good. Yes, we need new clothes to make our personality good, but Wearing good clothes does not make our personality good. Our morals should be good Our morals make our great personality stand out in front of others. When our my personality looks good then people will look at us and say that this servant looks very good.

But when you talk to this person, your behavior will tell him everything about your personality and if you talk to this person in a good way, you will impress him a lot. That's too much Maybe your morals are very good. He is impressed with you. Let's start dealing with you.

Good personality enhances dealing with others

When our personality is good then our dealings with other people will also be good And if the morals will be good and our personality will be good, now our dealings with others will also increase and other people will start trusting us. Their confidence in us will increase and our morals will grow in front of them Shows our personality. Our morality of love does not do much behind our personality As I told you, wearing good clothes does not make our character good, we have to make good character and in order to make good character it is necessary that our character should be good for other people. When our morals are good with others, our bus will grow automatically

Change your behavior

Let us improve ourselves and present ourselves to others but in this our language must be sweet when our language will not be bitter in them. Our language will be so sweet. Right now other people will trust us. Our language also has a great impact on our personality. It may be that there is a small thing, bitterness comes out of our tongue, then ours Old friendships can be shattered in a jiffy, so it is very important for us to respect them. It is very important for us to improve our morals and prove our personality to others.

How can we not improve our character?

  • We need to learn to communicate better with other people in order to improve our character. When we communicate better, our impact will be better.

  • Morality is the greatest thing. When our morals are good with other people, then our character will automatically become good.

  • In addition to improving our personality, our clothes are a little bit thinner so that our black clothes are clean so that the viewer does not think we are poor.

  • Our getting up and sitting down doesn't matter much Our getting up and sitting down measures how we move. We need to improve our behavior.

  • We also have our personality in dealing with others. When our personality is better then the other person will trust us and deal with us.

We should train our children very well from childhood. They should be taught good manners from childhood so that they can learn to deal with people from childhood because when a child becomes twenty from childhood. If the child is successful then his personality is full. He learns to deal with people from his childhood. That is why we should train our children very well.

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2 years ago
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Yeah you are right we should be prepare our self for every situation and make ourself strong

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Personality required good character with humble soul. Skin colour or body shape never measure the growth of humbleness. Our behaviour and attitude in society mades the difference.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

yes sir humbleness is require in every situation

$ 0.00
2 years ago