Depression! How to to get out of it?

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Avatar for Raiyan10
2 years ago

Depression is a serious problem in our current society. Globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression can occur from anything. Such as loneliness, relationship failure,money problem, bad parents, sexual abuse, being bullied etc.

In this modern era teenagers are the one mostly affected by it. And it is called Teen Deepression. Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities. It affects how your teenager thinks, feels and behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems. Although depression can occur at any time in life, symptoms may be different between teens and adults.

Teenagers this days are getting depressed over simple cause because they have less friends in real life. Yes, they may have thousands of friend in social medias but real life friends are way more valuable then them. Only the friends can help them get over this situation. As for adults who are depressed, the main reason is money problem most of the time. When they lose job or can't find a job they get depressed.

Depression & Suicide

This two words are connected to each other strongly. Depression leads to suicide. People who are depressed loses interest in everything. So they don't want to live this hellish life. They think suicide is their only solution. Thousands of people commit suicide everyday because of the depression. Most of them are teenagers.

What is the solution?

First solution will be self motivation. If you do not change your thinking doesn't matter how many people whine about that thing it won't change your mind. You have to think about life. Thousands people are in a difficult situation than you. They are struggling each and every day. But still they keep getting up doesn't matter how many times the world knocks him down.

Life is all about struggling,learning & surviving. It really doesn't matter how sad you may be. You have to get up face the world. That is the challange. Those who even think about suicide are the weaklings. You are strong! Don't forget that.

If any friend,siblings,coworkers or anyone you know starts skipping social activities or stops talking with everyone, Try to talk to them. Ask them aboyt their day or what is happening in their life. Who knows maybe your small chitchat can prevent them from comitting suicide.

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Avatar for Raiyan10
2 years ago


All are facts but for me to get out to depression is to pray. I've been there after I give birth to my child and to tell u it's easy to deal with it but thanks God I overcome it through prayer.

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2 years ago

All you've said are facts and I can relate them base on my experience in life. You didn't know who's depressed or which is which. People who always smile and laugh might hiding a big problem. The simple but has big impact we can. Do is to smile every day. Smile to a friend, smile to your family smile when passing a stranger. Let's share positivity in environment.

I'll be happy to be your first subscriber. I hope a great journey for you!!!

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2 years ago

Thank you so much for reading the article, and best wishes for you too❤

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2 years ago