I was thinking to myself should I share this with my friends? They just don't understand this as of yet. When I say this I am talking about platforms such as Read. Cash. I am amongst people that a progressive. I just can't keep up with all of this. I understand it a little more than they do. I share so much information with them as of right now it's overflowing and overwhelming for me as well. I have to go and do other things on my list. I am trying to learn off of this new stuff on top of a broken heart. That's another topic! How can I function with a broken heart... I can't! Well, yes I am writing this post but I have lost days doing nothing because my hurt parlizies me. I have to tell you dear stranger I am in want of a relationship I once had. I have to leave myself a hint because once I get him out of my system I will be looking at this saying to myself who in the hell was I talking about. GM, not not good morning. It's his initials! Did that help you Rahsaana? No, Good then you finally got him out of you system. If not dear, you have to pus to a place you want to be and that's rich. Very rich! Who ever said money don't buy you happiness is a liar.

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@Rahsaana posted 2 years ago
