Domestic violence

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3 years ago

There is no objective research on domestic violence in Bangladesh So it is difficult to say how terrible it is Only a few incidents are published in the media The experience of working with various child-related NGOs also reveals a stark picture.

Domestic workers are subjected to various forms of physical, mental, sexual abuse and exploitation In some cases, trafficking also occurs There is a constant flow of physical abuse, such as slapping, kicking, eating too much and not getting enough sleep. On the other hand, verbal abuse, sarcasm, neglect, etc., are commonplace. There are also cases of rape and sexual harassment, and even death as a result of torture Many are committing suicide Although young girls are the main victims of abuse, the number of boys and adults is also significant

What causes a person to become abusive? Do domestic violence perpetrators belong to a special class, special class or tribe? What is the psychological state of the torturer? These are the important questions for me.

There are two entities - positive and negative - in every human being The entity in which the attendance is more, that entity becomes manifest in his behavior ৷ If the perpetrator is not brought to justice after committing the crime, then that negative entity becomes stronger and stronger. From the slightest torture to the horrible murders, they also sat down Domestic violence is a crime for which there are very few cases of trial People assume that torturing a domestic worker is not a problem

Another issue consistent with impunity is that it tempts people to commit crimes That is the weak target 6 Remember the Bengali proverb - fan of hard, jam of soft? Yes, domestic workers are very soft as opponents They do not have the physical, mental or legal capacity to resist the abuser And the perpetrators know this very well As a result, exploitation continues

The two reasons mentioned are the reality in the context of Bangladesh Then all the domestic workers would have been tortured So what happens? In many families, domestic workers work comfortably Yes, there are hidden features of the abuser One's childhood experience has a profound effect on one's subsequent behavior If someone is tortured in childhood, there is a risk that he will become a torturer If a child sees another person being abused regularly in front of his eyes, he may think it is normal Children raised in quarrels, disputes, drug addicts or criminals or families may later become abusers themselves.

Just as negative childhood experiences affect current behavior, it is possible to reduce their harmful effects to a great extent through proper care in adulthood. In other words, the current mental state of the person is also important in expressing his behavior If a person goes through emotional turmoil or abnormality, it is difficult for him to expect normal behavior A person suffering from various complications such as depression, frustration, stress, anxiety, fear, clean air, lack of social skills, drug addiction, physical illness, etc. can abuse domestic workers for trivial reasons.

In some cases, misconceptions help one to continue torturing Misconceptions such as 'If you want to work properly, you have to be beaten, what a slap in the face, you have to talk to the workman in a threatening tone, I have the right to beat him as a housewife, I have to look at the workman differently', etc. Gives a 'license' to torture a person

Domestic violence is a crime; Explicit human rights violations It is necessary to build a social movement to formulate appropriate legal measures for the protection of domestic workers How can we make ourselves comfortable by neglecting a large section of society? If a domestic worker is abused or neglected in your home, it will be the worst thing you can do for your child's future.

As soon as we open the magazine, we will see at least one news every day, that is child abuse. Even though the murder of Shishu Rajan shook our hearts, the news of child abuse and child rape like housewife Roxana has become a very common thing for us on a daily basis. The statistics show how horrible the cruelty and cruelty towards children has reached.

In fact the number is much higher. And the number seems to be setting new records every year.

The horrors of child abuse are now a major headache not only for Bangladesh but for the whole world. All around now is the triumph of science-technology and artificial intelligence. And it is not surprising that technology is used to prevent child abuse.

Although no such action has been taken in Bangladesh, several councils in England are taking steps to prevent this crime and to identify abused children.

Things that used to be on the pages of science fiction, with the blessings of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are now our daily companions. And using this big data or a huge amount of information and constantly collecting information, they have created computer algorithms, through which artificial intelligence can identify abused children. This means that the data analysis system will automatically identify abused children by reducing their dependence on humans.

We all know that the chances of a machine making a mistake are much lower than people. But when it comes to the dangers of children, the question is how safe is this process? No one will be discriminated against here? How will this algorithm system work? And when the work is done with a huge amount of information for children, isn't the issue of information security at risk?

About five local government authorities in England are working on this, including Thurrock and Hackney Councils. They have collected the data of about 3 lakh 6 thousand people to operate this system. Big data-based processes typically deal with large amounts of data, and the larger the amount of data, the more accurate the system will be able to deliver. Another reason to become interested in big data is the lack of adequate funding.

Another such council in England is the Bristol Council, which is conducting extensive research on child abuse algorithms. However, with this research, they have to face various questions about ethics. Gary Davis, who oversees the process on the council, is focusing more on the benefits than the disadvantages. According to him, this process does not completely remove people from the responsibility of making decisions, but this algorithm will correct people if they make a mistake. ."

The planners of this model will first collect some results set, by which the system will then make a decision by comparing the two by observing the practical behavior of a child.

For example, if a child can observe the system, observe his behavior and identify the manifestations of the mental state, then a lot of information can be found about him. This time the system will try to find a match with a large number of previously collected datasets according to the algorithm. This system can reach a conclusion in this way. In this case, the councils are collecting information about domestic abused children, adolescent abuse, and out-of-school adolescents. However, no one has clearly stated what kind of information they are using. And how their system is working.

But such a system undoubtedly raises questions about information security.

Wajid Shafiq, chief executive of Xantura, the service provider of the analytics system, told Thark and Hackney Council that information security and the use of technology should strike a balance between the two.

But it is raising various complex questions about the basic foundation of the system. Interestingly, councils clearly do not need any permission to process data. Under the Children's Act, they can easily process the personal information of others when it comes to the welfare of children. But even then they will not be able to fully cover the issue of information security. Machine at University College London.

 There is no national body to oversee such systems. So each authority will give a different idea about its transparency - this is normal. Although the Tharak Council published a notice on their website about their safety, they did not explicitly mention it, nor did they mention raising awareness. The Hackney Council, on the other hand, rejected a request for freedom of information earlier this year, saying:

"What kind of information is being used in the study will not be disclosed. Because disclosing it would increase the interference of others in the reasons why this system was created."

Wajid Shafiq said his company was only dealing with information under approved and statutory laws. And since the matter has come to the fore, events like Cambridge Analytica will not happen here. However, he also said that the authorities need to be more aware of this. People need to know what we are doing and why. "We should have more open discussions with the people so that the whole issue is more appropriate and consistent."

But another complaint against this system is that it focuses more on a disadvantaged class. As a result, one-sidedness is being expressed. Many are of the opinion that the councils will not look after the poor families as much as they look after the rich families. Virginia, author of the book Automating Inequality,

"If there is an error in the system or more than one class of data is collected, you are not only reflecting the inconsistency, but also making it inconsistent by displaying an erroneous result."

Viel cites examples from private and public schools. According to the model in public schools, children may not pass a stage of ‘risk’, they are being identified as safe. But this does not mean that the level of risk will remain the same in private schools. Rather there will be more. So the model will not give the correct result by assuming another field with the result of one field.

Artificial intelligence and big data is undoubtedly a suitable tool to prevent crime or danger. We have already left a lot of work on these devices in many areas of life. But is this system still fully formed to deal with this reality? The accuracy of the software of Tharoor and Hackney Council is 70 percent so far. Until now, we only saw such incidents in sci-fi movies or book pages, but now it has reached the real world.

Yet this system is man-made, so that they can leave the responsibility of correcting their mistakes to the machine. But many have brought complaints against it.

Many have protested. According to them, an instrument can never play a role in such a sensitive matter. Also collecting their information without permission is invisible to them, which is a violation of their privacy.

With the economic development of a country, the citizens are also back in the day. It can be said that the development of the country is related to the economic empowerment of the citizens. Although people are financially supported by their talents and hard work, their work is not recognized. The number of housemaids is increasing in the country with the economic development and increasing rate of education. But even though there are rules about their working hours, how the owners will behave, how much the salary will be, since there is no law, the working hours, salary and how the housemaids will be used are decided at the whim and will of the employer. Victims of physical, mental and sexual abuse, not being able to eat properly, not being able to sleep, sleeping in the kitchen, dying due to torture are happening every day. There are also cases of burglary by domestic workers, running away with children and putting pressure on the owner in various dishonest ways.

The number of domestic workers is increasing in line with the economic development of the people of Bangladesh. One of them is that the members of the economically prosperous families find domestic workers to do the daily chores for a comfortable life. Besides, in the social context of Bangladesh, some other household chores including cooking and washing clothes are done by the female members of the family i.e. wife, mother and sisters. But as the number of women educators and working women increases, so does the tendency to hire domestic workers for their household chores, meaning that even if they are retired, they are kept at home for luxury and because they do not have time to work. A highly educated and employed woman is reluctant to do housework to maintain her status, but to do all this work, another uneducated poor and helpless woman is hired. Under the guise of women's right to education and employment, another woman has to work and live a low quality of life.

Even if the domestic workers work hard, if any deviation of the master's work occurs, they have to be subjected to inhuman torture. The helpless housewife was subjected to indescribable physical and mental torture in the house of the educated woman and man who implemented the rights of women from their employment. Incidents of sexual abuse at the hands of male bosses are also happening every day. The Domestic Workers Protection and Welfare Policy was enacted in 2015, but has not yet been enacted. There is no end to the dilemma of whether legislation is needed to protect domestic workers. Whether there will be a law depends on what civil society needs. Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labor (Export Oriented Industry Branch) has expressed such an opinion to the Bangla Tribune. Ruhul Amin. In a civil society where domestic workers are being tortured and killed at the hands of some unscrupulous individuals, it is only natural that in the hands of the civil society, the task of legislating should not be followed. Aseoni in the last few years. But the incidence of torture and death of domestic workers at the hands of the boss is increasing day by day. The number of domestic workers is increasing day by day, the number of torture and deaths is also increasing but the government has not come forward as expected to implement the rights of domestic workers and prevent torture.

According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, there are 2.5 million domestic workers in Bangladesh. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), 90 percent of domestic workers in Bangladesh are women and girls. Currently this number is much higher. According to the Bangladesh Institute of Labor Studies, 50 percent of domestic workers are victims of torture. 80 percent of them are children. The Domestic Worker Protection and Welfare Policy makes it clear that no domestic worker under the age of 14 can be hired. This policy is not being complied with even though it has been said that the government will take action according to the prevailing law if domestic workers are tortured including fixing working hours and salary in negotiations, providing facilities to domestic workers as per labor law, giving time for rest as well as entertainment. Domestic workers are being paid nominal wages along with accommodation and food. Those who work from home are also not evaluated. Although many cases of torture and death occur on a daily basis, such cases are often not prosecuted, as the victims are poor and helpless and are oppressed with little or no money. Whether it is the media or human rights activists, everything is managed by lack of specific laws and influence. As a result, incidents like torture and death of domestic workers are being reported in the media every day. Many celebrities are also seen in the list of torturers. Those who do inhumane physical and mental torture on the child domestic worker due to fragile reasons, especially when it comes to childcare.

The enactment of the Prevention and Protection of Domestic Violence Act will ensure the rights of domestic workers. Domestic workers will be considered as workers. All facilities will be availed under the Labor Act. Power field will be created. At the same time domestic violence will come down. Domestic workers will be seeking their rights. Working people, so I will just work, obey all the orders of the boss, what is our right again, can get out of this mentality. The more people become economically prosperous, the more women become employed, the more the number of domestic workers increases. The amount of torture is increasing day by day. At the same time, many good people were also harmed by many unscrupulous domestic workers. If the law is enacted, it will be good for both the domestic workers and the owner class. It is time for all concerned to give importance to this issue and enact legislation.

What do you think? How reliable is this system? Can any change be made here? What are the possibilities in your own country? How do you view the system as your own? Don't forget to let us know your opinion.

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3 years ago


Wonderful article dear. I really appreciate your writing skill. Keep writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for always inspiring me like this. Seeing your comments inspires me to write anew. I hope you will stay by my side like this.Anyway, Where are you live in?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You deserve it bro. And yes I'll try to give you inspiration all the time. Just keep it up. And I live in Bangladesh:')

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3 years ago