Hey there read.cash family! I hope you all are well!
I have been noticing for two weeks that @TheRandomRewarder has changed a bit. Initially when I made my account a month ago, tipping was good and as I was new so I was satisfied with the tips. A week later tipping started to decrease. If I was getting 1 or 2 dollars on each post, it was then reduced to half.
I discussed this issue with a few people here on read.cash and they told me that they are facing the same problem. So I was a bit relieved as I was not the only one. It’s better to get something than nothing, so although I was not satisfied yet I was content with the earning. However, for the last 4 to 5 days I haven’t received any tip from @TheRandomRewarder at all. Although I have not gone against any rule, no plagiarism, no spamming and no use of offensive language still I am noticing quite a decline in my earning.
Am I the only one encountering this issue or anyone else as well? Let me know plz!
Yeah I also notice a quite decrease on my articles suddenly don't know why?