Art Comes from Passion & Hard work..

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2 years ago

Painting is an art, that not much folks are able to do. Because to be able to do a certain type or art, you need to have either passion or God gifted skills. Then, there are some people who have neither of these but still they make their way through it. What these people have? You might ask..

Well, they have the desire to learn and to be able to do something. When it comes to me, I’ll say I have a little bit of both, passion and desire to learn that paves my way towards the art of painting. 

I had a lot more interest in drawing while I was a teenager but I never opted for painting. Although, I have always admired the great names in the world of painting specially Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh as their paintings are a testament to their talent and love for art. Specially the “Starry Night” of Vincent Van Gogh is that piece of art that always leaves me in aw. By looking at that painting you not also get a good sight but a message as well. That message is of hope that just as the ray of sunlight vanishes the darkness of night that lies around, similarly there is happiness yet to come which will erase the sufferings of those with dejected hearts. 

By looking at their art, I always ask myself “Is this humanly possible?”. I must say that they have enchanted the entire world with their magic of art. Everyone including me desires to be able to do something at least close to that. But you know what? To give your best shot to art is possible only when you are calm physically and mentally. You need to have a more serene atmosphere around you to be able to do the best you can. 

Although I love to paint, but it’s really hard for me to make up my mind for painting. I don’t know if it is me or it happens to everyone of you who paint, that you must have a very strong desire coming from your heart to sit and relax and just paint whatever you want to. I am not a professional painter, you can call me a beginner who just loves to paint. And beginners need to have someone, who can direct and instruct them. Neither have I joined any institute nor have I enrolled myself in any sort of painting related course. I pursue my passion by watching videos on youtube. There are certain channels which help you with this art in a step by step way. And honestly speaking YouTube is the best teacher you can get without spending a single penny out of your pocket with 24/7 availability.

So below is my first ever acrylic painting that I made. Although it is not that good and there are a lot of shortcomings in it too but at least I tried and for a beginner I think it’s really good. Obviously every skill is polished with the passage of time and with consistent hard work.I have kept this painting with myself as a souvenir of my love for art.

My first attempt

These are my second and third paintings that I made a day or two later. My father liked them so much that he took them from me and they are now hanging in his room.

I like the idea of the below painting a lot that I made. But the color combination was a bit inappropriate. I could have made it better. But you learn with every attempt, and that’s what matters. I gifted this to my cousin and she really liked it.

I really admire the color combination of the following painting of mine which is giving sort of an Arab culture vibe. I gifted this to my khala. Actually, I have given all of paintings to my relatives except for the first one.

Last but not least, I admire my following painting so much. Although it’s simple yet elegantly made and quite classy.

In the end I would like to share two tips which I have learned so far with those of you who love to paint. I hope by following them, you will see a prominent change in the way your paintings turn out.

Pro Tips: 

  • Always spray a little water on canvas before painting. As it lets the color sit and saves color from wasting too much.

  • Always paint the canvas with white color before making any painting as sometimes rough canvas surface can affect your painting badly.

So guys which painting you liked the most? If you have any good tips related to painting let me know.

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2 years ago


Girl you are true nature lover.....which can also be seen in your doubt you have got talent just need to be polished...everyone have some desires in his life but only those can achieve them who word hard with consistency.....i am sure you will get it...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree with you! Desires are fulfilled by constant hard work and determination. By the way I already feel like we are getting along well😁 I am glad I have found a subscriber like you at ! Stay blessed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you😍i am blessed to have a writer like you.....nature attracts you. Nature attracts me so this common thing attracts us towards eachother😁😁😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha well said🤣 I wish you success and happiness 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you want to achieve anything in life whether it is work, dreams and ambitions or skills and talents it needs dedication and perseverance to endure those negativities and start believing in your capabilities that you can do it. As I was seeing your artworks my friend, you've done a great job, well made and too artistic and creative. The best piece I want to choose are the first one I can relate to it as I am an introvert one and the next art is to the sunset one..But overall, your artworks are great. Keep it up and more to.come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thankyou so much for those kind words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Art is a great talent and skills of a person but as you said not everyone can do art, unless she/he was being gifted. However I also believe in desires and determination, as with that you can also developed your own talent and somehow you can also discover that you had that talent from within, you just need to some enhancement. Anyway I was so surprised with your paintings as they all look beautiful and I don't believe when you say you don't have the talent as your work shows how good you are in painting. In fact all of your works was awesome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right and that is why I said that then there are those people who desire to do certain things and then they put hard work in that. By the way Thank you so much for your kind words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, I like all your paintings very much, they make me feel very good, and emotions flow in them. Although you have not seen any training in this field, but you have drawn very beautifully. How wonderful that your father is so supportive of you in this way. Keep painting, I think you have a very good talent in this field.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thankyou so much for your kind words. I am honoured.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wao mind blowing article your art is just amazing. Haven't seen such an tremendous art ever before. More power to you, Girl keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much! Your kind words mean alot to me!

$ 0.00
2 years ago