Hardwork pays off.

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Avatar for Rahat
Written by
4 years ago

HardWork is the process of changing both the world and yourself so that at the end you and the world have become more connected.

We often fall back and feel less because of not having the thing we want.It makes us sad and we feel pity on ourselves. But what we don't do is not having a good courage and determination and work on that thing.

Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.

Of course you'll have days when you want to quit, feel useless yet you have to work on that. Because "The road to success comes through hardwork, determination and sacrifice"

And finally when you'll get what you wanted, you'll understand how sweet the feelings of Hardwork.

How beautiful life is!

Be focused and work hard for your goal.

I wish you very good luck.

Be positive and stay Happy 🖤

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Prove to life that you are up to the fight and you would defeat and overcome your comfrontations and limitations to your journey of success.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes thats true. Thanks for sharing this nice article 😊

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User's avatar Ohi
4 years ago

You're most welcome 😊

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4 years ago

That is why I'm still here even I am not a writer and trying to be one, pushing myself to write a small post or an article wishing that someday I will be like them being recognized.

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4 years ago

Great initiative please write whatever you feel one day you will be a good writer.

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4 years ago

Hardworking is a great thing to do. You can achieve your goals ❤️

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4 years ago

Thanks man

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4 years ago

what you said is true

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4 years ago

well said, exactly everybody must to start from scratch if they want to reach financial freedom. Im also hardworking potato and I know that fisrt planted seeds grow up then they will start to brings profit for me one day.




fresh from the boiling pan . . . .


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4 years ago