Life Taking a break from

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2 years ago

A lot of times we get overwhelmed by the busy life.The rules of our life become monotonous.

We don't even understand how and when we are sending ourselves into depression. Depression is not just a disease. Small things can cause depression in people.

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

This is happening with many people without their knowledge. Not wanting to talk to anyone, not wanting to eat, not being able to concentrate in any way on everyday activities,

Feeling sad all the time, and suffering from inferiority complex,

Stop .......

The first step is to try to get yourself out of this inferiority complex and depression.Now match the rules of your daily life a little.

Experts say that depression or inferiority complex occurs inside a person.

Then he has to break the current rules of life a little. For that you can start first. Work a little different from the rules you are working on every day.

The things that you used to like to do at that moment may not be good.

Do the things you like to do at that time. You can bring yourself under control by doing things that you can do to control yourself without hurting others.

Maybe you want to listen to a lot of songs at that time. Listen to music for a while. It will take care of your mind and will bring back your self-confidence.

It may be that depression and inferiority make you want to cry a lot.Take some time to cry and realize your pain yourself. It will lighten your heart and restore your self-confidence.

Avoid talking to others when you are depressed.Give up thinking about who said what and who thought what.

Free yourself to breathe in the open air.

Experts always say that going to nature reduces depression a lot.There is an attraction in nature that will truly free you from depression and inferiority.

If you want to spend time alone, you must spend some time alone.Don't waste time thinking about who you think you are.Some inconsistencies, some irregularities, some breaking the rules will make you the biggest tool of your depression.You can do your own treatment, you can hear the call inside yourself.

Every human being suffers from inferiority complex in one way or another and a lot of beautiful times go by.

The only way to get out of depression is to believe in yourself and take care of yourself.

No matter how difficult the time, take care of yourself all the time, keep yourself tidy and your self-confidence will be strong.

Life is too short.

Many will not even find the time to look for you. So you have to find yourself, you have to pull yourself out of the confines of depression.

The best medicine to stay well is to come up with your own.

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Avatar for Rahabinte
2 years ago


Well said dear. We really need some time to send us off to a vacation. Our mind & life need rest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All my life I have run after the good of others. I have done what they said. What is the benefit? needs to rest oneself for a while. Because life is mine. I need to grow up like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Finally a worthy thought. You really need to focus on your life. The one who cared should remain, the others should be banished from your life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

"Many will not even find the time to look for you, so you have to find yourself" this hits hard. You can only count on yourself. Believe and live, you are needed. ~Manju

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I believe that no one will find me even if they look for me in time. Which has no value. At some point, its value increases. And I believe in myself. And I live my own life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago