The voice of truth.
Let me start this way by asking these important questions to you reading this article right now;
have you ever experienced a voice talking to your inner mind and heart before?
Have you taken time to listen to them and try to do what they tell you whenever you find yourself lost in thought and in a state of confusion?
Have you in any way tried to stay calm and quiet just for a minute to know if you can experience such voice that speaks to the heart when it needs to be spoken to?
Let me share this important piece of information to you about the voice that speaks to our heart and why it's important that you take adequate care and keen interest to avail yourself the opportunity to listen to this voice when they speak to you to know what they have for you.
You may not know this, human mind is designed in such a way that there is a voice that speaks to it virtually everyday of our lives, any time we want to make decisions about a particular thing, any time we are faced with challenges and troubles in life. This voice may come to us in form of advise or as an instructor to enable us make the right or wrong choices on a particular issue that we are faced with.
This voice that speak to us may sometimes come in loud voice to our hearts to make us see reasons why we should do a particular thing, while on the other hand, there is also a small voice even sometimes very tiny voice that speaks to us in our hearts when ever we want to make certain decisions that may favour us or even affect us negatively in life, but because we fail to listen to this inner voice of conscience that speaks to us at every given time, we see ourselves making a lot of mistakes that we may regret later in life.
I know by now you must have answered the questions yourself that I asked at the first paragraph of this article concerning the voice that speaks to us each time we are faced with challenges in life.
Some people that have made themselves available to hear these voices may call it voice or reasoning while some may also choose to call it another thing they feel that suit their mind. In all of these things, the right information we have to take to heart about this topic today is, having the ability to give yourself that opportunity to listen to your inner mind when that voice comes to our heart to tell us what we should do when we are faced with challenges, confusion, and situations we can't control.
If you are a good listener most especially when it comes to listening to yourself, you will agree with me that in these voices that speak to your heart when you are faced with some certain situations in life, there is this particular tinny voice that keeps talking to your heart to always do the right thing, to always accept that you are wrong when ever you do things that are not pleasing to the other person sitting right beside you, to always stand on the path of truth no matter the conditions you may be facing that is not suitable to you, to always live right and don't see life as an opportunity to treat others the way you feel like, etc.
You can always hear this tinny voice speaking to your heart when you have decided to keep calm, and give yourself a holistic self-conscience examination about your action towards yourself and towards your fellow human. During this moment of soul searching, you may be faced with lots of voices speaking to you in your heart and if you don't take time, you may get confused as to know the right voice that means well to you which you can listen to, but if you can stay calm and more relaxed with yourself, you will surely hear that special voice of truth, voice of peace and voice of good reasoning speaking so small in your heart which always stand on the path of goodness speaking to you to accept the right thing and do the right thing always.
We all have this special gift given to us by our creator to always listen to when ever we want to embark on any journey be it personal or with our fellow human being.
Having the ability to give yourself that great opportunity to always listen to your heart when ever you want to make a step forward in life or whenever you want to make decisions about a particular thing is what I see as the challenging moment in almost every human being in this life, but if everyone can take this bold step to avail himself or herself the opportunity to start listening to his or her inner mind or voice when that voice of truth comes to speak to their hearts and also try doing what the voice said, definitely we all will be having a great time with one another, living in peace and harmony with each other in this world.
If we can start now to give that inner voice that comes with goodness in our heart the opportunity to lead us when ever we want to do something or take decision in life, surely we will always get it right in all we do.
The voice of truth surely exist in man and only when you give it listening ear that's when you will surely know the good and benefits of listening to it when they speak to our heart in time of need.
Thank you so much for coming by to read my article today 🙏. Rafd9828