The beauty of life.

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2 years ago

I am so happy this moment because I am alive and very strong today, waking up from a night rest is a privilege and another opportunity given to me by God Almighty to make a difference. Even if I do not have any other reason at all this moment to be happy, but for being alive this moment is enough reason to smile, be happy and be thankful to God.

For me to make you have an understanding about this topic I am writing today, I will use my personal experiences in life to explain to you about the beauty of life so you can be able to value the life you have today and try to experience yourself the beauty of life.

When I was growing up as a child, it was my parents that first showed me the beauty of life, I had the opportunity of experiencing parental love from my parents, I never left their sight and they did their best to provide for me all that I needed while I was growing up, they made sure I went to school and had the best education their money could afford, I never lacked nor missed their parental love around me for a moment, even when I made mistake and spoiled things at home, they will correct me with love and made me see reasons why they are unhappy with me and the need to be of good behaviour.

When I became adult and was able to take care of myself, they never stopped giving me their words of advice and encouragement on how to live and have a happy life. I grew up and started making use of their advice to relate with people I came across in life. I made sure that anybody coming in contact with me never had any reason to be unhappy, I tried my best to put happiness and smiles on anybody's face that come in contact with me.

I always remember what my father usually say to me each time we talk;

"Please my son, the beauty of life is not in the money and the good things of life you were able to achieve in life, No! the beauty of life is surely found in the peace and harmony you were able to have in your heart and give to people that you meet each day of your life".

And I have always kept those words of life and wisdom in my heart even till this moment I am writing this article, you may think the beauty of life can be found in the type of wealth you have made for yourself, you may feel the beauty of life is found in the powers and authorities you command or possess, you may also think that the beauty of life is actually seen from the  beautiful view of the rising sun and in the beautiful weather you see when you wake up in the morning from your windows and balconies, you may think the beauty of life is found in the type of luxury lifestyle you live every moment of your life, none of these can be attached to the beauty of life I am actually talking about.

You can only find this beauty of life and experience that comes with it when you try to impact positively in another person's life, when someone that is blind can see through you and walk with the legs you are offering to him or her, when your helping hand can reach to that person that needs your hand to survive, and when you are able to put a smiling face to that face that have been sad all through the day, that's exactly when you will see the beauty of life.

The war that is going on in different parts of the world right now most especially the Russian Invasion to Ukraine is actually the time the world need to come together as one and find a way to put a stop to it, the beauty of life is not found in the destruction of lives and properties, this is the time for all of us to help in any little way we can to assist these people that need our help, the children, nursing mothers and mothers, the aged ones and everybody that the war has affected one way or the another, this is the time for us to preach peace not war, dialogue not disagreements, togetherness not division and love not hate.

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If we can walk in these steps and directions, surely we will experience the beauty of life in our different world. Let's give peace and harmony a chance today!

Thank you so much and may we live and shine as one. 🙏Rafd9828

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2 years ago
