She told me I couldn’t. That’s why I did

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2 years ago

She dared me mother and I have to show her that I can deal with her and I am not Lili livered young woman and right now I have given her what she deserved. When her mother heard her reason, she replied her immediately and said; Have you seen what you have caused for yourself? Why would you do such a thing without thinking about the implications? Why would you go that extra mile to plan such act and execute it without having any human feelings? right now there is nothing I can do to save you from this mess you have put yourself into. You really have to answer for your crimes my dear. This was the response Mary got from her mother that she hoped to rescue her from the trouble she put herself into.

I know your ears are itching you because you want to know how the story started, but I tell you this, how the story started is not really the point I want you to derive from this short story I just narrated here. Just think about the reason why she acted the way she did.

Just because she was dared and to prove to her friend that she does not take Insult from anybody, she had to call some bad boys in the hood to deal with the lady that dared her during a misunderstanding between both of them and now it has resulted to the lady been badly injured by the hoodlums and taken to the hospital in coma state.

Listen my friend, whether you like it or not, you don't need to prove any point whatsoever to anyone or show someone that you can't take nonsense from any person whether in a conversation, misunderstanding, quarrel or even fight. Haven't you heard that he that runs to a fighting contest does not know that fighting can lead to death or even serious problems. You can't because you were dared and because of that you begin to work yourself up just to prove to the people that dared you that you are strong and can't be intimidated.

Looking at what is happening with Mary's present condition after she showed her darers that she can't be intimidated, you will understand that nothing good can ever come out from such character. You don't need such lifestyle as a person who really knows what he or she wants from life.

A lot of people have missed their dreams and landed themselves in correctional facilities all because they were trying to make or prove a  point to that person that told them at their faces that they can't do anything to them during a fight, argument, quarrel or even at times during normal discussions with their friends. Some people because of pride and ego they have lost their right in the sight of their families, associations, etc all because they were trying to prove a point that they can never accept any person daring them in public or trying to challenge them.

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What makes you a real person is not by allowing what people told you get at you to start proving them right or wrong.

It's not also by going extra length to make your point known by the next person beside you that makes you a real and strong person.

You don't need any of that to really show that your are a tough human who does not accept been dared by any one. No! you don't need all of that my good friend, when you are faced with such situation, the only thing you need to do is to really calm down, think about the motive behind the action and what the person daring you is trying to achieve for dare you. When you are able to process these reasons in your head before you act, you will understand that being dared or challenged is not enough reason to start acting irrational or endangering yourself or  that of the next person you are having encounter with.

Are you still waiting for me to finish Mary's story  so you can understand how everything happened? My dear if you are waiting for me continue with the story my friends you are on a very long thing!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂

Please my dear good friend, don't keep your room open so that devil can enter and work overtime in your life. Learn to think before you act in your best friend please my good friend.

Thanks so much for coming by to read my article 🙏 Rafd9828

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2 years ago


I am always receive nearly the same advice from an old guy as follow : think twice before you do something mad ..insigghtful post

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2 years ago