Make a good name for yourself!

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2 years ago

Do you have what it takes to be called a good person? Does your name speak good of you around your community, office, school or even amongst your peer groups, friends and family? You may be wondering why I started with these questions in this discussion of mine. Yes, it's of very importance that we all examine our lives and how we relate with our neighbors and the environs we find ourselves in.

Most of the problems we have come to experience in our daily lives amongst our fellow individuals and even within ourselves are associated with the way we understand life and living it. Do you know living happily ever and living unhappily ever also depend on how you value and see things and people around you. The way you want to be addressed tomorrow totally depends on how you carry yourself today. Most people have lost their self respects and self worth today because they refused to do those things that supposed to place them in that right places where their names and attitudes will speak good of them.

Some persons and group of persons who have been given opportunities and privileges to be in that position of higher authorities in their various societies and  communities have totally lost their ways all because they allowed power and material things to change their main course and purposes for being in that position, they forgot that good name is better than gold and silver put together.

Some of us who are in the buying and selling circles, where you meet a lot of people who come to patronise your business, because you want to make excessive profit and gains, you begin to tell lies and try to sell fake products to your customers and render bad business transactions to people who trust in your words and judgements to do some buying and selling but not knowing you have compromised, they will not mind if what they did was good or not, all they are after is their own selfish gain and pocket fill, thereby forgetting that good names are better than riches and what money can buy.

What about families, where some blood related brothers and sisters in a family are not after things that will help the growth of the family positively, rather they will be thinking and doing things that will only favour their personal selves rather than things that will favour the entire family.

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Even in our different churches,  mosques and other spiritual and traditional denominations, we have seen a lot of highly respected spiritual heads and leaders of these gathering doing all their possible best to grab what ever thing their hands can reach to fill up their personal and selfish desires rather than saying the truth so that people who listens and trust In their teachings can change in their evil ways and begin to do good deeds. This is what we see in our everyday life experiences.

Don't you know that doing good and making sure that your attitude speaks good of your name is the key to a happy and satisfactory life? Everything in life is not about money, wealth, fame, affluence and popularity. Even in that little space of yours, you can make a difference and make your name count for you in a positive way by doing those things that will give your name a better mark more than gold and silver.

Why not start today and make the right decisions to do those things that people will see even from a far about you and still recommend you for greater things.

Why not allow those things that will change that your name from good to bad to go their way so you can live happily after.

Why not make a good name for yourself by doing everything right without fear or favour. When those earthly rewards and gains are over, definitely you will need your goodness and good character to speak good of you at the other side of life.

Thank you so much for reading my article 🙏 Rafd9828

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2 years ago
