I want to thank you once again for your contributions so far on this platform. We are really doing a great job. I know that the topic I am about to share with you have been creating a lot of eye brows and tension in some families around the world. Most parents especially the fathers in many families around the world have made this type of statement out of anger maybe because of the way the child treats them or because of the child's character to the family and to the society at large.
Most fathers that act this way may have been enduring the child's character for too long to the extent of them not being able to cope any longer with the bad character exhibited by the child so in other not to continue enduring may burst out in anger and with so much hurt in their heart says to the child "I don't think I am your father."
The joy of every parents is to see his or her child behave in a responsible manner which will in return bring good name to the family and society at large, but because of bad friends, bad associations, bad companies, even method of parental up-bringing, anti social vises, etc in the society, these have made it so difficult for the child to live that life that pleases the family he or she comes from.
In some cases the method of parental up-bringing to the child from some of our parents have really contributed to this factor, in a situation where a child will be so pampered so much to the extent of making the child to see every attitude exhibited as normal, even when he or she makes mistakes that need some correction by the parents immediately, instead of the parent to do the needful by disciplining the child or even scolding the child where necessary, the parents will turn a deaf ear and allow the child to continue misbehaving.
I have seen a situation in this part of the country where I come from a growing child will be asked to go and fetch water or help the mother to run some little errand around the neighborhood, instead of the child to obey and do what he or she was asked to do, the child proves stubborn and disobeys the instruction given to him or her and the parents will not do anything and when the child becomes adult tomorrow and starts acting in accordance to what he or she learnt when he or she was growing up, the father will begin to complain.
I remember that the holy book(Bible) proverbs 22:6 instructs the parents to "train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” and if the Bible could instruct the parents to also "not to spare the rod and spoil the child" Proverbs 23:13 why then will some parents still pamper their childen and refused to caution or correct them when they are found wanting, instead they allow the child to keep misbehaving and when the child become of age the parents will start to say "I don't think I am your father".
I must appreciate and commend some of our strong parents that really do their best in showing good moral, discipline and good home training to their childen without having any baised or mixed feelings. Please continue creating a positive impact to the society.
It's very important to say that parents should always find that enabling ground to always carry their child along with the right training in order to avoid this kind of statement coming out from their heart when the chips are down.
Also I am encouraging the parents to always find it pleasing to correct when necessary and when doing so, they should correct with love. Tell the child the reason why he or she is been corrected instead of scolding and shouting at the child and after doing so you walk away in anger without bring the child close to really explain to the child the reason for your action towards him or her.
Children are so hyper sensitive and they learn through what they see, hear, touch and feel and that's why it's important that parents should always find time to teach their children the right things of life through their personal characters and behaviours as their parents when ever they are together as a family or even in public places.
As a child/adult, you should not give your parents the reason to always regret bringing you into this world, so therefore, you should do your best to always obey and listen to your parents advice and instructions.
Do those things that will always make your parents happy and proud of you.
Don't see yourself in association with bad friends and companies that will destroy your good relationship with your parents, instead you stay away from those friends that will infuse bad waves and ideas to you thereby making you a bad child to your family.
In conclusion, if everybody in the family will show each other love and respect from the parents to the child, then there will be no reason for one to regret ever or say "I DON'T THINK I AM YOUR FATHER."
Have a pleasant weekend and thanks for reading my article 🙏 Rafd9828
Recently this is hard to control child mindset . Even if parents guide them properly but still anyhow they got wrong path to lead life. I can say this is the effects of internet or something rather than effects of bad friends circle . But still parents and child should understand their position and work according to it.