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2 years ago

Before I start this article, I want to use this moment to actually say a very big thank you to read.cash for being kind enough to still show me some love through the randomrewarder tips so far even when I am not active, thank you so much. And to you my fellow writers who have been doing their best to inform the world through this medium, I want to say a very big thank you to you as well and encourage us all to keep doing our best to project good and positive information that will change the world for good.
Let me come back to the topic of my article that captioned fear.

I have taken my time to do a proper study about this word called fear and it's positive and negative benefits to human life. What most people believe about fear in life is not something good or pleasant, they have taken fear as something that comes with failure, sadness, pain and anything that can bring negative result when entertained or allowed to exist in one's mind or heart when trying to achieve a goal. One may also attach the existance of fear in one's mind as a devil's messenger or as an evil spirit that have come to change one's ability from grabbing an opportunity before him that can change one's life for good, or preventing one from making right choices and taking bold steps towards achieving success in life. All of these and many reasons why most people see fear as a negative phenomenon in man's life are abound.

Have you also considered reasoning beyond the negative attachment most people have attributed fear as in human life, and try to also see fear in the positive direction to man?

I may be sounding weird and not actually making sense to you with what I just said right now, but if you will calm down and continue reading my article till the end, you may have a rethink and understand me more better.

According to George Addair, he said something about fear that struck my mind, he said; "everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear."

When I saw what he said about fear, my mindset and view about fear changed, you may think that fear is only for bad and negative benefits in human life, but I want to also tell you that fear can also be something so positive and helpful to man.

In a situation where armed robbers were robbing a bank and you are about going to the same bank to make some transactions without knowing what was happening, then you got a call from a friend telling you about the ongoing robbery incident happening at the same bank you have finished preparing yourself to go to, would you now say because I am not afraid and nothing will happen to you, you now go to the bank when the robbery is still on, or would you stay back in your house due to fear of getting killed or hurt by the arm robbers that are attacking the bank and for your own safety?

In another instance, a situation where you are told not to invest in a business you do not have any idea about the business and how it works, that there is this fear that the company is likely to liquidate any moment, and after hearing such information from your friend, you heed to your friend's advice who was afraid that the company may close up if he allows you to invest your money in the company, and after everything the company finally liquidates. Would you not appreciate your friend for giving you that piece of advice to save you from losing your money?, and would your friend not appreciate that voice of fear that kept on telling him not to invest his money to that company because of his fear that the company might liquidate at any moment?.

The same way will the woman that stayed back in her house out of fear as she heard about the robbery incident that was going on at the bank she was supposed to go to that morning be happy that she heed to the voice of fear that came calling to her ears when she received the information from her friend.

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Sincerely speaking, fear can benefit one in a positive and negative way. Whether we want to accept the truth or not, being fearless in life in all things can lead one to danger if one does not take proper care. Most strong people you may have heard that died in their life time, may have died because they were fearless and never thought in their heart to heed to that voice of fear that always speak to them to stop at a point and retreat.

There is this popular saying that goes like this "he that fights and run, live to fight tomorrow"

I have come to understand that fear and its benefits are not solely to the negative effect to man, you can also use fear to your own advantage to be safe and be alive. As you ponder on this article today, always remember that everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear. The other side may be the negative side or the positive side. Everything is in your hands to make the right decision.

Thank you so much for your time. 🙏Rafd9828

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2 years ago
