Best dogs for home protection.

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3 years ago

I was so fortunate enough to meet a good friend of mine who was a French nationalitist in one of the days I went to buy some dogs foods at one of the vetinary outlet sections of the mall in their state capital Ouagadougou, Burkina faso in the year 2017, so when I met this french guy we became friends and thank God he could speak and hear little of English language so it was easier for me to communicate with him since I was not able to speak French language at the period I met him. He told me that he would want me to visit his house so he can show me his dogs, because I love dogs a lot so I obliged.

One of the days I was free I decided to pay him a visit and when I came to his house I saw so many different breeds of dogs and immediately I became so Interested to know how these dogs behave. I asked him some questions about the dogs, their breeds names and their characters and what it's like to train them all at the same time.

He told me that these dogs are so unique in their nature and so special too, he said that these type of breed of dogs I am seeing here are all for home protection and it's very good and important that families and individuals should own one or two of these special dogs in order to protect their families and home even their kids. He began to explain them one after the other.


The doberman is known to be loyal, fearless, obedient, alert, confident and intelligent. The Doberman is a great companion and it makes an amazing emotional connection with its family. weight of about 71 pounds for a small female and up to 100 pounds plus for a large male.thr doberman is a great mix of size and athleticism making him physically and mentally an exceptional home protector.


Personally I love this breed of dog as far as home protectors go, they have to be on the list. The small female weigh between around 77 pounds and large male up to 130 pounds. The rottweiler is fearless, good natured, devoted, obedient, calm and courageous. This breed can go from teddy bear to grizzly bear in a turn of one bad act, meaning your rottweiler can be on the sofa cuddling up with you and a second later, tearing up an intruder that has broken into your home. Rottweiler are naturally protectors and fearless in battle. This breed's bite force is legendary.  Rottweilers are amazingly intuitive.they connect with their owners. They are powerful but if you put in the right infrastructure in terms of obedience training and socialization, anybody can handle a rottweiler and they make excellent protectors.


The cane corso is a exceptional mastiff and that is on the larger sized but maintains exceptional athleticism. The cane corso is trainable, has a balanced temperament, protective and very courageous. With the weight of a small female being about 88 pounds up to 120 pound for a large male.


The Akita is big enough to stop a man and athletic enough to chase and back up the security during security chase. The weight is about 75 pounds for a small female and up to 120 pounds for a large male.  He is devoted to and protective of his family especially children, but can be aloof towards strangers and potential aggressive towards dogs he is not familiar with.


The small female of the is breed weigh about 60 pounds up to 110 for large males. The giant schnauzer is loyal, courageous, highly intelligent, strong-willed and can be a bit dominant. There is no limit to the capabilities of a well-trained giant schnauzer. Obedience, agility, tracking, carting, herding and protections are among the jobs and that this breed will excel at. Like the doberman, the giant schnauzer is a great mixer of size and athleticism. The breeder is higher energy than most of the breed I have explained in this article but does well indoors, and makes a great companion. They are highly Intelligent and so with very little effort, you yourself can probably train the giant schnauzer to some advanced protection work. The giant schnauzer has the added benefit  of being hypoallergenic which is great for families who suffer from allergies.


The weight of the bull mastiff is 100 to 130 pounds. The bull mastiff is known for being loyal, devoted, protective, loving, calm, powerful and courageous. The breed has the size and instinct to take on a man. They were actually developed specifically for this purpose.they have this territorial and protective genetics to be exceptional, exceptional home defender, in addition it is a relatively low energy breed that won't require a tremendous amount of activity to be happy. Keep your eyes on your bull mastiff's weight. They are one of the least athletic breeds of dog.  But well-bred and well-conditioned bull mastiff is more than athletic enough to protect you in your home.


They weigh between 85 pounds for small females and upwards of 130 for a large male. All presa's trait are suspicious, strong-will, calm and gentle. They can be a bit dominant. The presa is a dicey breed in terms of his temperament and dog aggression,  making obedience training and socialization extra important for this breed. The breed has recently reconstructed and therefore there is not a lot of consistency right now within this breed, especially not when you compare it to the other breeds of the dog I have discussed earlier. But at it's best, the presa is comparable to the American Pit Bull Terrier in terms of drive. With the natural protective in guarding instincts of an English mastiff which make it an exceptional, exceptional home protector.


The breed weighs 66 pounds for a small female and 99 pounds for a large male. The beauceron is fearless, Intelligent, protective and calm as well. For me the beauceron is a more family-friendly version of the Belgian malinois and Dutch shepherd. It's not as sharp mentally or as high in terms of drive as those breeds but has more than enough intelligence and drive to be an excellent home protector. It also has an added benefit of being an incredibly loving and emotionally supportive companion. It is highly intelligent and amazing at problem solving.


The boxer is fearless, Intelligent, protective, energetic, brave, clownish and confident. The energy level is on the high side, but the extra activities won't kill you rather make you healthier. They are solid home protectors because they are loyal, brave and fearless, create a strong bond with their families.


German shepherd weigh about 59 pounds for a small female to 90 pounds for a large male. They are loyal, very agile, fearless, alert and obedient in nature. With police and military work being a big part of this breed development for the past 100 years, the German shepherd us specially equipped  with the skillset for home protection and working line characteristics like Intelligence, trainability, courage and athleticism and confidence are highly selected making today's average working line German shepherd exceptional in this areas. When trouble arise, German shepherd comes to your rescue and will easily grasp advanced protection skills that you can teach them yourself.

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In as much as we all need good human security in our homes and lives, dogs are so much important in our various homes because they are so special kind of animals if you make out time to train and teach them very well. Dogs are so good to keep in our homes for protection of our children and for the safety of our families.

Thank you so much for reading my article 🙏 Rafd9828

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3 years ago


I think I would go for the bull mastiff since I once had one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love them all, I have German shepherd

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow that is nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love them all, but my favorite is the German Shepherd :)

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3 years ago